Viewers Left in Amazement as Vin Diesel Unleashes Unusual British Accent in Offbeat Good Morning Britain Interview

VIN Diesel left Good Morning Britain baffled today by putting on a bizarre British accent during an outrageous interview with Richard Arnold.The Hollywood actor sent Twitter into meltdown with his outlandish antics and fans were left questioning why he was behaving so strangely.
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Vin Diesel baffled Good Morning Britain viewers with his bizarre anticsCredit: ITV


Vin, 50, appeared on the show to promote the new Fast & Furious Live stage show thatโ€™s opening in London.

He started the pre-recorded chat by imitating Richardโ€™s voice and he slid into a bizarre mock British accent.

The actor started repeating the TV hostโ€™s words and it got worse when Richard started talking about how much he loved Mary Poppins.

Vin yelled: โ€œYou must have been crazy for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!!โ€

The actor put on a weird British accentCredit: ITV

They also played a guess -the-car game and when Vin won, he jumped up and kept the strange accent as he shouted: โ€œI beat him!

โ€œI licked him. I really did it this time.โ€

After the interview aired, Richard attempted to explain Vinโ€™s antics, saying: โ€œHe went all Rex Harrison on me.โ€

Co-host Ben Shephard the joked that Vin was more like Dick Van Dyke.

He was being interviewed by Richard Arnold and started copying his voiceCredit: ITV

Fans flocked to Twitter to ask if Vin was okCredit: ITV

Viewers flocked to Twitter to ask what was going on with the movie star.