Apollo 20 Revelations: Unearthing Secrets of a Giant Spacecraft and Encounter with an Alien Girl on the Moon”

 A former NASA astronaut has revealed that he once participated in a secret mission to the Moon of this agency. His research team discovered ancient man-made structures, giant spacecraft, and even two alien bodies…

A giant spacecraft on the Moon dating back at least 1 billion years was discovered during the Apollo 20 mission. (Photo: Big Blank)

The Apollo program, in which NASA sent astronauts to the Moon for exploration and survey purposes, officially ended in 1972. The last flight was Apollo 17, although NASA had previously planned three missions. The others were Apollo 18, Apollo 19 and Apollo 20. They seemed dropped without any explanation from the space agency.

However, according to some people, these three Apollo spacecraft undertook a mysterious mission to collect evidence of ancient artificial structures on the Moon. It is thought that the powers that be want to investigate these mysterious structures themselves and limit public participation.

William Rutledge, 77 years old, a former astronaut living in Rwanda, said he participated in this secret mission to the Moon. Rutledge said he was sworn to secrecy at the time, but this no longer mattered to someone like him who didn’t have much time left.

According to Rutledge, in 1976, he was recruited for the Apollo 20 mission, a secret Soviet-American collaboration. Previously, Apollo 14 had observed several abandoned spacecraft and a complex that appeared to be a city at the Moon’s south pole. So Apollo 20 was assigned an expanded investigation mission.

The team went to an area where they filmed an abandoned city with intricate architecture and the video appeared online in 2007. Rutledge even said the team His team found a cigar-shaped spacecraft, estimated to be more than 3000 m long, located in a crater .

When they entered the ship, they discovered two aliens, one male and one female. The man was dead, and the woman, later named “Mona Lisa”, was still breathing. The woman’s body was brought to the spacecraft to install a breathing tube and a few other transmission lines.

The alien girl was found in the Delporte Crater area on the Moon in 1976. (Photo: Pinterest)

Rutledge describes the girl as having an almost human-like appearance, with six fingers and a number of other similar features. Rutledge said both aliens were later returned to Earth.

The male body was used for autopsy, and the female body, he believes, was resurrected and is still in some secret facility on our planet.

He also said it was no longer up to NASA or anyone else to hide this truth of great importance from the rest of the world.