The Hidden Truths About Denzel Washington That Hollywood is Desperate to Cover Up – J

In recent times, actor Denzel Washington has captured media attention for being the first person to address Will Smith following the infamous Oscars incident where Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock. With remarkable wisdom, Washington spoke a poignant truth to Smith: “It’s in moments of anger that the devil comes after you.” This insight deeply resonated with Smith, leading him to acknowledge a spiritual battle and ultimately seek redemption. This episode highlights a lesser-known facet of Washington’s life—his profound faith and unwavering commitment to Biblical principles.

Washington’s faith is not merely a private matter but a public testimony. Since the beginning of his career, he has openly credited God for his success and consistently expressed his devotion. Here are five impactful quotes from Denzel Washington that underscore his dedication to God and illustrate his spiritual journey:

1. “Put God first in everything you do. Everything I have is by the grace of God. Understand that.”

Washington’s first quote emphasizes the importance of placing God at the center of all endeavors. He attributes his achievements to divine grace and encourages others to recognize this truth. This aligns with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:33, where Jesus assures that when we seek God first and live with gratitude, He will provide for our needs. Washington’s acknowledgment of God’s role in his success serves as a powerful reminder of the need for spiritual prioritization.

2. “Man can give you many awards, but it is God who gives the reward.”

In this statement, Washington demonstrates humility and a deep understanding of divine justice. Despite his numerous awards and accolades, he remains grounded, recognizing that these are fleeting compared to the eternal rewards from God. This reflects the Biblical principle found in Hebrews 11:6, which states that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Washington’s perspective that ultimate rewards come from God, rather than human recognition, highlights his reverence and humility.

3. “We live in a spiritual battle. I try to look at things from a spiritual perspective. Without a spiritual foundation, you can be easily swayed by the wind.”

During an interview with The New York Times, Washington spoke about the necessity of maintaining a spiritual perspective in life. He compared living without a spiritual foundation to being easily influenced by external pressures. This sentiment echoes Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:24-27, where He compares those who build their lives on His teachings to wise builders who construct their houses on rock. Washington’s emphasis on spiritual strength is a call to remain anchored in faith amidst life’s challenges.

4. “Why do you think we close our eyes when we pray, cry, or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen with the eyes but felt with the heart. Faith should be guided by the heart, not just by what we see or feel.”

Washington’s fourth quote reveals his belief that faith transcends physical sight and emotional experiences. He asserts that true faith is rooted in the heart and not merely in sensory perceptions. This perspective is supported by 2 Corinthians 4:18, which advises believers to focus on the eternal, unseen realities rather than temporary, visible ones. Washington’s reflection on faith as a matter of the heart underscores the importance of spiritual perception over worldly observations.

5. “I want to live a life where I can honor God and my mother. I made a promise to my mother, who passed away last year, that I would try to live in a way that honors both her and God. That’s why I’ve given up all forms of addiction.”

Washington’s final quote is a deeply personal declaration of his commitment to living a life of integrity and honor. By promising to honor his mother and God, he demonstrates a commitment to overcoming personal struggles and living by Biblical commandments, such as those in Exodus 20, which instructs to honor one’s parents. This vow reflects his desire to align his life with God’s teachings and maintain moral steadfastness.


Denzel Washington’s public declarations and personal commitment to faith offer a powerful testament to his spiritual journey. His quotes reveal a man who has not only achieved great success but has also remained devoted to God’s principles throughout his life. Washington’s ability to navigate fame while staying true to his beliefs serves as an inspiring example for others. As we reflect on his insights, let us consider how we can apply these principles in our own lives, seeking to honor God and live with integrity and faith.

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