Taraji P. Henson Breaks Down & BLASTS Oprah After She Goes Broke & Sells EVERYTHING (Video)

In a surprising twist, actress Taraji P. Henson has found herself in the spotlight again, but this time, not for her roles on the big screen. Henson is opening up about her struggles in Hollywood, both financially and professionally, revealing issues that many actresses of color face in the entertainment industry. The most startling part? Her latest remarks have thrown Oprah Winfrey into the mix, raising eyebrows about the power dynamics within the industry.

Last year, Henson shed light on the low paycheck she received for her role in The Color Purple, a project backed by Oprah. Despite her illustrious career in films like Acrimony and What Men Want and her iconic role in Empire, Henson claims her compensation has remained stagnant since her role in Proud Mary. This revelation not only shocked fans but also sparked conversations about the underpayment of Black actresses in Hollywood.

In a heartfelt interview, Henson discussed the personal toll these issues have taken on her, noting that she had considered walking away from Hollywood altogether. “I’m just tired of working so hard, being gracious at what I do, and getting paid a fraction of the cost,” Henson vented. She further explained the financial reality for actors, mentioning how income quickly disappears due to taxes and the need to pay a team of agents and other professionals. According to Henson, despite a $10 million paycheck, her take-home pay would shrink dramatically after deductions.

This disclosure brings to light the systemic issues of inequality in Hollywood. Henson’s frustration echoes sentiments shared by other actresses, such as Viola Davis, who have long pointed out the glaring wage disparities between Black women and their white counterparts. The gap is undeniable, with some actresses of color receiving a fraction of what their peers are paid, despite having comparable or even superior accolades and experience.

Amid this, rumors have swirled about Henson’s financial difficulties, with reports surfacing that she’s selling her luxurious Chicago condos. Fans are speculating whether Henson is facing a rough financial patch due to being blacklisted in the industry following the Color Purple drama. Some believe that Oprah, despite Henson’s public defense of her, could be involved in the actress’s career slowdown.

It remains to be seen how this situation will play out, but Henson’s courage to speak out is a reminder of the ongoing struggle for fair treatment in Hollywood. Fans and industry insiders alike are watching closely, wondering if Taraji P. Henson will rise above these challenges or continue facing barriers in her pursuit of equality and recognition.