Chris Brown Explains Why He Wakes Up in His Music Videos “Look, Omg”

Chris Brown Explains Why He Wakes Up in His Music Videos “Look, Omg”

In the dynamic world of music videos, where visuals often tell as much of a story as the lyrics themselves, Chris Brown stands out for his unique and captivating approach. His recent video for the song “Look, Omg” has drawn significant attention, particularly due to a recurring theme where he wakes up at various points. This distinctive visual choice has sparked curiosity and discussion among fans and critics alike. In a candid interview, Chris Brown delves into the creative rationale behind this intriguing concept and what it signifies for him and his artistry.

A New Visual Narrative

In the music video for “Look, Omg,” Chris Brown’s recurring motif of waking up serves as more than just a stylistic choice; it embodies a deeper narrative and emotional resonance. For Brown, this visual trope represents a thematic exploration of awakening and self-discovery. He explains that the act of waking up in the video symbolizes a transformative moment, akin to gaining new insights or realizing a deeper truth. This motif reflects a journey from darkness into light, from confusion to clarity, resonating with the song’s themes of personal growth and revelation.

Symbolism and Artistic Vision

Brown elaborates on how the waking-up scenes are intertwined with the song’s lyrics and overall message. “Look, Omg” is not just a track but an experience that mirrors the complexities of self-awareness and change. The video’s recurring wake-up moments are designed to visually cue the audience into the idea that transformation is an ongoing process. For Brown, each waking moment in the video signifies a new phase or realization, reflecting his own journey of growth and evolution as an artist.

This artistic decision is also a nod to the classic narrative of rebirth or renewal found in many creative works. By incorporating this theme, Brown connects his modern musical expression with age-old storytelling traditions, offering his audience a rich, multi-layered viewing experience. It’s an approach that aligns with his desire to create more than just entertaining visuals but to provoke thought and engagement.

Personal Reflection and Connection

Chris Brown’s explanation extends beyond the artistic realm into personal reflection. He reveals that the concept of waking up is also a metaphor for his own experiences and struggles. The video’s recurring scenes of awakening mirror his personal journey through challenges and growth. For Brown, each wake-up scene represents a moment of self-realization or a step forward in his personal and professional life. This personal connection adds a layer of authenticity to the video, making it not just a creative endeavor but a reflection of his own life experiences.

This approach resonates with his fans, who often look to his music and videos for both entertainment and inspiration. By sharing this deeper meaning behind the visuals, Brown fosters a stronger connection with his audience, inviting them to see beyond the surface and engage with the emotional and conceptual layers of his work.

Impact on the Music Industry

Chris Brown’s innovative use of recurring wake-up scenes in “Look, Omg” highlights a broader trend in the music industry where artists are increasingly using their music videos as a canvas for complex narratives and personal expression. By integrating such a distinctive visual motif, Brown sets a new standard for how music videos can be used to enhance and deepen the listening experience.

This approach challenges other artists to think more creatively about their visual storytelling and how it complements their music. It emphasizes the importance of aligning visuals with thematic content to create a more immersive and impactful experience. In this way, Chris Brown not only advances his own artistic vision but also contributes to the evolving landscape of music video production.


Chris Brown’s explanation of why he wakes up in his music video “Look, Omg” reveals a thoughtful and intentional approach to visual storytelling. By using the motif of awakening as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation, he creates a powerful narrative that resonates on multiple levels. This artistic choice not only enhances the viewer’s experience but also reflects his own journey as an artist. Through this unique visual strategy, Brown continues to push the boundaries of music video artistry, offering both a fresh perspective and a deeper connection to his audience.