Former US Navy Director Reveals: UFO Technology Is 1,000 Years Ahead of Humanity

While on duty on a warship, an American naval officer named Sean Cahil encountered a UFO. After witnessing the superior technology of the being that owned this UFO, he said: “The technology of it is 100 to 1000 years ahead of us [the United States].”

According to Ancient Code, in 2004, Mr. Sean Cahil – former director of the US Navy captured a UFO image using radar while standing on the USS Princeton. This UFO is named Tic Tac.

Describing the capabilities of the Tic Tac flying saucer, Mr. Cahil said: “Comparing with what Mr. Luis Elizondo once described about the five observed characteristics of unidentified flying objects, we see that Tic Tac has All 5 things and more. Its technology is 100 to 1000 years ahead of ours [the United States] .” 

Mr. Sean Cahil – former director of the US Navy. (Photo via Fox News)

In 2008, Luis Elizondo, a US military counterintelligence agent, participated in a secret program sponsored by Senator Harry Reid. It was the Advanced Space Weapons Systems Application Program, later renamed the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), to better study UFOs. Here, Mr. Elizondo listed 5 “unbelievable” characteristics of UFOs such as:“First of all, those UFOs do not have wind shields to adjust direction like airplanes. I don’t know how it accelerates. It flew at supersonic speeds, our pilots had to switch to “air combat patrol” mode [to monitor its activities]. It seemed to predict what our pilots were preparing to do. Our current air defense technology cannot do that,” Mr. Cahil said. UFOs appear more often
Joining Cahil was Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon, who said: “We are too vulnerable. This has been going on for a long time. But only now has the National Assembly begun to pay attention to this phenomenon. The information we have now is very worrying.” 

Mr. Christopher Mellon – Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. (Photo via Fox News)

Mr. Mellon expressed concern: “It does not threaten or cause us any trouble. I don’t see any signs of danger in them. But there is one point: they appear more and more frequently and more openly, in some important areas such as warships off the coast of California, and the strategic missile defense area in Guam.” 

He said that in the face of armed tension, including attacks by drones, UFOs are also an object that needs close attention and must be prepared.

What’s new about UFO awareness?

When asked about the urgency of researching UFOs, Mr. Mellon recalls Elizondo’s story of dissatisfaction while working at AATIP. Although pilots frequently encountered UFOs on the east coast, the AATIP program was overlooked, under-resourced, and unsupported by the intelligence community. In 2017, Mr. Elizondo retired and joined “To the Stars Academy” founded by musician Tom DeLonge.

At the end of that year, the US Congress finally paid attention to a report published in the New York Times. The report states that $22 million was spent on AATIP to research UFOs, bringing this secret Pentagon program to the world. 

Mr. Luis Elizondo – participated in the Advanced Aerospace Hazard Identification program (AATIP). (Photo via Exo News)

Mr. Mellon further explained: “Finally, both parties in the government are aware of this point. The story is gradually coming to light.”

A turning point about UFOs

In June 2021, US law enforcement agencies released a public report on unidentified space phenomena (UAP) for the first time in half a century. 

Some newspapers such as POLITICO, New Yorker magazine have clearly stated the story about UFOs that Elizondo, journalists George Knapp, DeLonge, Mellon and many others have emphasized and pushed them to a new climax. 

Mr. DeLonge said that for UFO awareness, there has been a breakthrough, because the story is not what we thought. He shared with POLITICO: “For the past 70 years, people have always thought that the phenomena of UAP are ridiculous and not worth watching… But now, UAP has been accepted by society from a more open perspective. I am very optimistic that There will be more research on this phenomenon in the near future.” 

UFO technology far exceeds that of humanity

Mr. Sean Cahil said that the encounter with the Tic Tac UFO was just the tip of the iceberg. “I think this phenomenon is like a spectrum of different things,” he said. At the edge of this spectrum, [we will encounter] technologies similar to Earth’s humanity. But at the other end of the spectrum will be things we cannot understand and whose existence we still do not know.” 

Former US Navy director: UFO technology is 1,000 years ahead of humanity. (Photo via Facebook)

Even though he doesn’t know what UFOs mean, Cahil is sure that the technology they carry is superior to humans. “So, although it’s not very clear, I’m sure that no country currently holds this type of technology.”

Cahil doesn’t think UFOs are extraterrestrials. “What I can say here is that we are not sure of anything. And the story is still there. We will find the answer together.”  

On the other hand, Mr. Mellon believes that they originated from outside the Earth. “There is no reason to dismiss this possibility,” Mellon said. We have spent billions of dollars to probe for alien life, launching several ships out of the solar system. Perhaps in the vastness of space, someone has found us before we can find them.”

To date, life in outer space has not responded to any signals to us. Perhaps because in their eyes, we are just animals with underdeveloped intelligence like in the zoo.  

“If they are indeed as smart as we think, then how foolish it would be for us to think we can probe them,” Cahil expressed.  

Or, perhaps as the former Director of Space Security of Israel, Mr. Haim Eshed, once said: “We are waiting for today, for humans to develop and understand: what the universe is, and what is real.” the so-called spaceship.”