Extremely convincing evidence of ancient UFO encounters

 UFO encounter that occurred 3,500 years ago by the Egyptians was recorded in detail in an ancient book called the “Tulli Papyrus”.

In 1933, during a visit to Cairo, Alberto Tulli – director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican museum – found a Papyrus in an antique shop.

Tulli thought the scroll was very expensive, so instead of buying it he made a copy, but replaced the monk characters in the original text with hieroglyphs. One strange thing is that the original book then suddenly disappeared.

For many UFO researchers, this is undeniable proof of the existence of aliens. This is considered one of the earliest papyrus records of flying saucers.

Later, Prince Boris de Rachewiltz, an Italian Egyptologist, translated and declared that the Papyrus was part of the historical documents about Thutmose III, although no part of the book mentioned the name of Thutmose III. This Pharaoh.

In the translation by Prince Boris de Rachewiltz there is the following passage: “In the year 22, the third month of winter, the sixth hour of the day, one of the chroniclers of the House of Life discovered a disc Strange fire is approaching from the sky…

…It has no head, is about 5 meters long and wide, and the breath from its mouth emits an unpleasant odor. It had no voice and arrived at the Sultan’s house. The chroniclers became so confused that they fell over. They went to see the King to talk. The king ordered the scrolls to be consulted in the House of Life. Then he pondered about what was happening.

After a few days, more fiery disks appeared in the sky than ever before. They shine brighter than the Sun, and expand in all four directions. They look so powerful. The army and the King stood watching below. After dinner, the flaming disks rose higher, then flew far to the south.

Fish and many other things rained down from the sky: a wonder that has not been witnessed since the founding of the country. The king ordered incense to be offered to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the two lands (Upper and Lower Egypt). Then He commanded that this event be recorded in the Chronicles of the House of Life to be preserved for all generations to come.”

From translations of ancient documents, this event occurred around 1480 BC and was witnessed by many people.

The ancient Egyptians (like the Mayans, or ancient Chinese) were adept at historical calendars and possessed extremely profound and extensive astronomical knowledge, so it was unlikely that they would confuse “fiery disks”. ” with some rare astronomical or weather phenomenon.

Historians believe they are able to distinguish between an astronomical phenomenon and a strange, unexplained event as described above. If the translation is truly accurate, then it is very possible that the “fiery disk” in the Tulli Papyrus is the UFO we often witness.

However, many people believe that the above translation is actually Rachewiltz’s own product, so they hope to find the original lost Tulli book to solve the strange mystery of UFOs in the world. Ancient Egypt.