Marvel at the Ancient Civilization that Transcends Human Imagination

As scientific advances continue to achieve achievements, many ancient civilizations still cannot explain them.

1. The Norte Chico civilization was an ancient civilization in the American Southwest, from about 3500-1800 BC. This civilization was located on the northern coast of modern Peru, in the vast mountainous region of the Andes.   

Norte Chico is known for building giant cities, consisting of stone and concrete structures built on rocky foundations. This civilization also had a developed agricultural base, with the cultivation of bananas, grapes and corn.

Norte Chico was also one of the first civilizations to use a water system for irrigation, allowing them to farm dry lands and produce food in large quantities. The achievements of this civilization go far beyond human imagination.

However, why Norte Chico collapsed is a question still being debated among scientists. Some suggest that causes may include natural disasters, war, and competition with other civilizations in the region.

2. The Nineveh civilization was an ancient civilization of the Assyrians in the Middle East, from about 3000 BC to the 7th century BC. Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire and became one of the largest cities in the world at its peak.

Nineveh was a prosperous and wealthy city, with a developed economy and vibrant commercial activities. This civilization is also famous for its architecture and art, including tall buildings, city gates, and giant stone statues.

Nineveh is also the origin of geographical exploration and exploration. Assyrian scientists developed many new techniques for gathering information about the topography and geography of the Middle East, and contributed significantly to the development of geographical science.

However, after being defeated by the Babylonian empire around 612 BC, Nineveh was destroyed and fell into oblivion.

3. The Vinca civilization was an ancient civilization located in the Balkans, precisely in modern Serbia, from about 5500-4500 BC. This civilization was named after the town of Vinča, where many of its remains were discovered.

Vinca is a developed agricultural civilization, with livestock farms and massive agricultural fields. The Vinca people produced diverse crafts, including objects made of clay, bronze, and quartz, along with glass objects.

In particular, the Vinca civilization is known for using writing for the first time on European territory. This writing system has not been completely deciphered, but it is believed to consist of about 700 different characters and was used for mythological purposes and everyday communication.

According to many researchers, it is possible that the Vinca people sculpted statues simulating aliens who visited Earth thousands of years ago with strange faces, oval heads, big protruding eyes, and a long narrow nose that goes straight down to cover the mouth. small without lips. From here people speculate about the existence of aliens and their interaction with ancient civilizations in the past.