Alien Contact or Spaceship Charging Station 4,200 Light Years from Earth

Shocking astronomical announcement in 2022: The flashing light is 4,200 light years away, about 40,000 billion km. Scientists wonder, is this alien contact, or an interstellar spaceship charging station of an extraterrestrial civilization?

Alien contact, or a spaceship charging station 4,200 light years from Earth? (Photo: Pixabay)

According to billionaire Elon Musk, humanity must first colonize Mars to enter space. That means the earth’s energy cannot always be used, and it is not enough for humans to use. So is there any source of energy in this universe that humans can use forever? Of course there are such abilities, it’s just a matter of whether humans can use them or not.

The Tesla charging station is 4,200 light years away.
In January 2022, Nature magazine published an article about Australian astronomer Natasha Hurley-Walker observing a special phenomenon. She used a radio telescope to see that 4,200 light years from Earth, about 40,000 billion kilometers away, there was an object that continuously emitted pulsed light. This type of light was often present in the sky. . It was like some kind of explosive energy. 

Astronomers call them fast radio bursts (FRBs), but they usually last for a short period of time, only a few seconds. Although the time is extremely short, the energy is extremely powerful, one such radio flash is equivalent to the total energy produced by the sun for 80 years. 

Although the time is extremely short, the energy is extremely powerful, one such radio flash is equivalent to the total energy produced by the sun for 80 years. (Photo: Pixabay)

But this radio flash detection is completely different from previous ones. This time, the flash occurred every 18 minutes, and each time lasted from 30 seconds to a minute. You can imagine how strong the energy it emitted was. Astronomer Walker’s research team was very excited, the first problem they wondered was: what is this situation, could it be that aliens 40,000 billion km away are sending space telegraph signals to humans? , like Morse code. 

Of course, this is also a possibility, but it can only be written in science fiction novels, it cannot appear in scientific newspapers, although at least presenting it as a main point of view is impossible. Because scientists have absolutely no way to hypothesize an explanation, we also do not understand the aliens’ encryption mode, and do not have any experience in this aspect, so scientists Science cannot include it, because it does not conform to scientific writing standards. Although this is an interesting prediction, Walker’s team had to ignore it, and only mentioned it as a second possibility, and still had to find the answer within traditional hypotheses.

Mainstream science decodes
Because the celestial body continuously emits pulsed light, Walker’s team of researchers’ first hypothesis is that this is a rotating neutron star. Neutron stars were an important discovery of astronomy in the 1960s. 

Normally, in the last years of this star, two situations will occur, one is that stars with small numbers will gravitationally collapse into White Dwarfs. Although it is a small amount, compared to our earth, it is extremely large. Because the definition of small is that it only needs to be 8 times smaller than the sun to be called a small star. In the planetary family, our sun is small in size, and is called a Yellow Dwarf. The second scenario is that a star about 8-30 times the size of the sun reaches the end of its stellar evolution, and a big bang occurs. This is the supernova explosion (big explosion that ends the life of stars) mentioned in astronomy. After the last glow ends, it will shrink to become a neutron star, the density of a neutron star is extremely large, just behind a black hole. The neutron star will rotate continuously, emitting a type of pulsating light. 

So what is gravitational collapse? Simply put, after a star has exhausted all its fuel, it has no way to resist the gravitational pull from the center, the remaining matter of the star will move towards the center and shrink. 

After a star has exhausted all its fuel, it has no way to resist the gravitational pull from the center, the remaining matter of the star will move towards the center and shrink. (Photo: Pixabay)

So what are the consequences of gravitational collapse? Let’s see, if a star 8 times larger than the sun collapsed into a neutron star, what would happen? That star has a diameter of about 30,000 km, a weight of about 15.9x 1030 kg. After it collapsed into a neutron star, it immediately turned into a star with such huge mass but with a very small diameter, only about 10km, with Very scary density. One cubic centimeter of material on a neutron star weighs about 3 billion tons. 

We often compare it: heavy as Thai Son mountain. The rocks on Thai Son mountain are mainly gneiss metamorphosed from granite. Based on the density of this type of rock and the overall volume of Thai Son Mountain, a rough estimate of the mountain’s weight is about 140 billion tons. If it collapsed into a neutron star, how big would it be? It will only be about 47 ml, equivalent to a cup of espresso, only you will never be able to hold that cup of coffee because it weighs 140 billion tons.

Returning to the discovery of neutron stars by astronomer Walker’s research group. They quickly discovered that this neutron star was not like other neutron stars. Neutron stars normally move very quickly, they can rotate a few to a few dozen times per second, which can be said to be faster than a spinning top. But the rotation speed of this neutron star is much slower, about every 18 minutes it lights up once, it glows 3 times every hour, equivalent to it rotating 3 times every hour. 

Therefore, the research team suspects that this is a type of magnetar, it is also a type of neutron star, but it has very high magnetism and a rotation speed much slower than a normal neutron star. But the research team also found something unreasonable, because the light of the magnetar only lasts for a few milliseconds, but the time this star shines each time can last from 30-60 seconds, far exceeding that of the magnetar. With this star, no matter from any angle you look at it, it looks very strange. 

Therefore, in her article, Walker defined this star as an ‘ultra long period magnetar’, but she also clearly understood that using magnetars to explain the phenomenon of special luminescence This difference is still quite forced, especially the location on this star that emits very special electric waves. Electroradiation waves are emitted from its north and south poles, not to mention the super bright signal, but its regularity is also very strong, it turns on once every 18 minutes and 11 seconds and each time lasts 30-60 seconds. , then close again. It was like the rotating light at the top of the tower of our airport navigation beacon, it blinked endlessly, emitting a signal.

Through the cycle, frequency and color of the light, pilots know the flight path situation and azimuth ahead. But ordinary magnetic stars do not have such regularity. Furthermore, the most strange and unexplained thing is that, since 2018, this star has disappeared in vast space, the research team has been unable to capture its shadow. 

After Walker’s article appeared, it caused a stir in the astronomy world. Everyone knows how to use magnetic stars to explain this rapid and mysterious explosion of energy, which is actually impossible to explain clearly. Just when everyone was confused, someone stood up and offered a different explanation.

Everyone knows how to use magnetic stars to explain this rapid and mysterious explosion of energy, which is actually impossible to explain clearly. (Photo: Pixabay)

Charging stations for interstellar spacecraft of extraterrestrial civilizations?
Science professor Avi Loeb of Harvard University has opened up three types of hypotheses, and they are all related to extraterrestrial intelligent life, and all do not believe that this unusual energy emission is a natural phenomenon. simple course. The first hypothesis, Professor Loeb believes that this is an electric wave coming from extraterrestrial life.

The second theory is that it is a beacon of stars. The third most important hypothesis is that this could be a light boat propulsion device, providing power to alien spacecraft. 

Professor Loeb is a prestigious figure in contemporary space physics, one of the most active advocates of extraterrestrial life. At Harvard University, he often created a Project called Galileo, specializing in using methods to search for extraterrestrial life and extraterrestrial technology. Professor Loeb said that if there were interstellar cruisers of extraterrestrial civilizations traveling in the air, there would definitely need to be space electric chargers, like gas stations for cars. our fuel, or like Tesla’s electric vehicle charging station.

Professor Loeb’s hypotheses are full of imagination. Although they sound very mysterious, they can explain difficult things. However, everyone believes in science, and observations and data are needed to support the above hypotheses.

At a location close to the Sun, NASA launched two satellites to promptly monitor the condition of the Sun’s surface. This video is an image of one of two satellites recorded in March 2020. People discovered a round object, very similar to the space station in the movie Elysium, this disc-like object seemed to be rushing. towards the sun. NASA discovered it was emitting a wave pattern similar to radio waves. After this video was released, it caused a stir around the world, everyone wondered what it was all about, it rushed towards the sun, and what did it want to do with our sun?

So, scientists have made a few guesses:

It could be a mysterious star in outer space that, while passing by without paying attention, was pulled into the sun’s gravitational field. But the reason that is easiest to think of is the first to be denied. Because the size of the disk-like object is so large, it seems even larger than Venus. If such a large celestial body collided with the solar system, its gravity would cause a huge disturbance to the Solar System. We also cannot go for such a long time without observing it.

An electric charger, such a big star, is it possible for such a kind of civilized technology to exist? (Photo: Pixabay)

Energy level of cosmic civilization
In 1964, Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Semyonovich Kardashev introduced the Kardashev index to evaluate the level of civilization. He based on the level of energy that a civilization can use to divide civilization into three levels:

A Class I civilization could easily control all the available energy of its parent star. Taking the earth as an example, when humanity can master unpredictable natural forces such as volcanoes, geothermal heat, tides… When volcanoes and tides generate electricity, they become sources of energy. humanity, we will enter level I civilization. At that time, people will not need to dig coal mines, nor need to risk the risk of environmental pollution to build nuclear power plants. 

Not only living stars can become our sun, stars after death give birth to neutron stars, the energy they emit can even be used by humans, becoming into our space Tesla charging station. If one were to upgrade to that level of civilization, it would seem that it would no longer be a human society, but would exist like Gods. And if we follow today’s scientific path, we don’t know when we will have to go, perhaps humans will have to reconsider all of their understanding of the universe, themselves and life, and reform. Only in a basic way can we reach that big goal.

So what level is our current civilization at? Based on the Kardashev index, our humanity is trying to reach level I civilization, but is still far from reaching it. Like the recent Tonga volcanic eruption, we cannot predict it, nor can we take advantage of the energy it releases, so it is clear that according to the Kardashev index, humanity is just on the way to civilization. I’m level I, and I’m still not halfway there. Furthermore, whether the promotion is successful or not, I still need a lot of effort ahead!