Russian Space Agency Suggests Humans May Be Subject to Alien Studies: Investigating the Claims”

Talking to Rossiya 24 TV channel on June 11, Director of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) Dmitry Rogozin said that there is a possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life with more developed technology than humans. They may even be researching human civilization without our knowledge.

Because according to Mr. Rogozin, thousands of factors can lead to the formation of life in the universe and humans’ ability to research space is still quite limited.

There may exist other worlds, with millions of factors that could lead to the formation of life.

“We know about the ‘Big Bang’ theory, but does the ‘Big Bang’ only happen in the part of the universe that we observe?”, Mr. Rogozin raised the issue. At the same time, the Director of the Russian Space Agency said that other worlds could exist, along with millions of factors that could lead to the formation of life.

Mr. Rogozin said the Russian Academy of Sciences has conducted a number of studies and collected data on extraterrestrial life and unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Currently, Russian experts assess that 99.9% of the above cases are only physical and atmospheric phenomena.

However, Mr. Rogozin commented: “We still believe that UFO sightings are indeed real.”

The Russian official also said he had seen reports from Soviet-era aircraft test pilots about unexplained phenomena during the initial testing of the aircraft. In addition, Mr. Rogozin also contacted the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and received similar information.

“There may be extraterrestrial life forms that possess advanced technology that would allow them to study human civilization and our planet as humans do with other species on Earth. We can study bacteria, but we can also be studied like bacteria,” Mr. Rogozin emphasized.

Mr. Rogozin’s comments were made in the context of many discussions about UFOs taking place in the US, where UFO encounters are said to have increased sharply since 2017.

There is information that the Pentagon is operating the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program project, with the task of identifying identifiable aerial phenomena (UAP).

In May, for the first time since the 1970s, the US Congress held a public hearing on UAP. Recently, NASA established a research group of leading scientists to study UAPs and UFOs.