Cracks Forming? Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Appear Tense & Distant in CBS Interview & Avoid PDA

In a recent CBS interview, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have sparked widespread speculation about the state of their relationship, with viewers and critics noting an apparent tension and distance between the couple. This interview, which was highly anticipated given the couple’s high-profile departure from royal duties and subsequent public appearances, has led to renewed discussions about the challenges they face. The absence of public displays of affection (PDA) and the couple’s overall demeanor have fueled rumors about potential cracks in their relationship.

The CBS Interview: An Overview

The CBS interview, conducted by a prominent journalist, aimed to provide an update on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s lives since their decision to step back from their royal roles. The conversation covered various topics, including their personal experiences, philanthropic endeavors, and reflections on their departure from the royal family. However, what captured the most attention was not just the content of their discussion but the noticeable shift in their interactions with each other.

During the interview, both Prince Harry and Meghan appeared somewhat reserved and cautious in their responses. The couple’s body language and verbal exchanges suggested an underlying tension that seemed at odds with their previously publicized image of unity and mutual support. This departure from their usual warm and engaging demeanor led to increased speculation about the state of their relationship.

Observations of Tension and Distance

Several key observations from the interview have contributed to the perception of tension and distance between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle:

  1. Body Language: Throughout the interview, subtle cues in their body language, such as avoiding eye contact and maintaining physical distance, suggested a level of discomfort. While this alone does not necessarily indicate relationship problems, it contrasted with the more affectionate interactions they have displayed in past public appearances.

  2. Verbal Exchanges: Their exchanges during the interview, while polite, lacked the usual warmth and ease that characterized their previous conversations. Some viewers noted a noticeable formality in their dialogue, which seemed to highlight a shift in their dynamic.

  3. Avoidance of PDA: In contrast to their earlier public appearances, where they were known for their affectionate gestures and displays of support for each other, the couple notably avoided physical contact and public displays of affection during the interview. This change in behavior raised questions about their current emotional state.

Media and Public Reactions

The reaction from media outlets and the public has been one of curiosity and concern. Speculation about the nature of the tension between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been widespread, with various theories proposed. Some analysts suggest that the strain might be related to the pressures and challenges of their new life away from the royal family, including the intense media scrutiny they continue to face.

Others have speculated that personal disagreements or stress related to their ongoing projects and public engagements could be contributing factors. The lack of PDA and the observable distance in their interactions have led some commentators to question whether the couple is facing internal challenges or external pressures that are affecting their relationship.

The Impact on Their Public Image

The perception of tension between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could have implications for their public image and future endeavors. As a couple who has made headlines for their advocacy and high-profile projects, maintaining a positive and united front is crucial for their influence and impact. The recent interview has brought their personal dynamics into the spotlight, potentially affecting how their supporters and critics view their relationship.

Addressing the speculation surrounding their relationship will require careful navigation on their part. They may need to address these concerns publicly or demonstrate a renewed sense of unity in future appearances to counteract any negative perceptions.

Moving Forward

As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continue their post-royal life, the public and media will likely keep a close watch on their relationship. Whether the observed tension is a temporary phase or indicative of deeper issues remains to be seen. The couple’s ability to manage public perceptions and maintain a strong, supportive partnership amidst ongoing challenges will be crucial as they move forward with their personal and professional lives.


The CBS interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has revealed a noticeable shift in their public demeanor, leading to speculation about potential cracks in their relationship. Observations of tension, distance, and the avoidance of PDA have fueled discussions about the state of their partnership. As they navigate their high-profile lives and continued public scrutiny, the couple faces the challenge of addressing these perceptions while maintaining their focus on their advocacy and personal goals. The unfolding narrative of their relationship will undoubtedly remain a point of interest for both supporters and critics alike.