Ꭰіѕϲοᴠеr Ultіⅿаtе Ꮮᥙхᥙrу: ᏞеΒrοᥒ Јаⅿеѕ’ѕ Ѕᥙреr Ꮩаϲаtіοᥒ Μаᥒѕіοᥒ Οреᥒѕ Ιtѕ Ꮃіᥒdοᴡѕ fοr Αll tο Ѕее

33-year-old superstar LeBron James is spending time resting with his family at Anguilla Beach House in Meads Bay. This super villa has 8 bedrooms, a mini cinema, modern dining room and countless other amenities. In addition, this place has a direct view to the sea.

Before LeBron James, many superstars used to choose this super villa as their vacation place. Justin Bieber is one of them. It is known that LeBron James paid 75,000 USD/week, which converted into Vietnamese currency is more than 1.7 billion VND.

front of the villa

Passing through the gates of LeBron James’s luxurious villa, you will be conquered by ultimate class. With an area of nearly 1,500 square meters, this resort space is not only a place for him to relax, but also a symbol of luxury. Large windows open up to the entire city of Los Angeles, creating a wonderful picture from all sides. With luxurious interior details, a large swimming pool and an exquisite garden, LeBron James’ mansion is not only a hideaway but also a masterpiece of wealth and classy lifestyle.