Keanu Reeves’ Most INSANE Stunts.. (VIDEO) rái đơ

Keanu Reeves, the Hollywood superstar known for his humble personality and intense dedication to his craft, recently opened up about some of the biggest embarrassments and most insane stunts he’s encountered throughout his illustrious career. Despite being celebrated for his cool demeanor and impressive stunt work in films like The Matrix and John Wick, Reeves has had his share of moments that left him feeling less than invincible.

One of the most memorable embarrassments Reeves revealed happened early in his career during the filming of Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. As a young actor still finding his footing in Hollywood, Reeves was eager to make a good impression. However, during one scene that required a bit of physical comedy, he ended up tripping over his own feet and crashing into a set piece, bringing the entire production to a halt. The crew burst into laughter, and while Reeves tried to laugh it off, he admitted that the incident left him feeling mortified at the time. It was a humbling experience that reminded him of the unpredictability of filmmaking and the importance of not taking oneself too seriously.

As Reeves’s career progressed, he became known for taking on roles that demanded intense physical performances and often dangerous stunts. Yet, even as he honed his skills, there were moments that didn’t go as planned. One of the most insane stunts he ever attempted was during the filming of The Matrix Reloaded. The stunt involved a high-speed motorcycle chase on a busy freeway, where Reeves had to weave in and out of traffic while performing complex maneuvers. Although he had undergone extensive training, the sheer speed and precision required for the stunt made it incredibly risky.

Reeves revealed that during one take, he lost control of the bike for a split second, narrowly avoiding a collision with another vehicle. The close call left him shaken, and while the stunt was ultimately completed successfully, it served as a stark reminder of the inherent dangers involved in such high-octane sequences. Despite the near miss, Reeves didn’t let the incident deter him, instead using it as motivation to continue perfecting his craft and pushing the boundaries of what he could physically achieve on screen.

Another insane stunt that Reeves performed, which has since become legendary, took place during the filming of John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum. The scene required him to engage in a high-speed horse chase through the streets of New York City. Riding a horse at breakneck speed while simultaneously fending off attackers with a gun was a daunting challenge, even for an experienced action star like Reeves. The coordination required between the horse, the stunt team, and Reeves himself was nothing short of extraordinary.

Reeves admitted that this stunt was one of the most physically demanding he had ever done. The risk of falling off the horse or mishandling the firearm was always present, and the scene took numerous takes to get right. At one point, Reeves did lose his balance and nearly fell off, which could have resulted in serious injury. However, thanks to his training and the expertise of the stunt team, the scene was executed without any major accidents. The final result was a thrilling sequence that left audiences on the edge of their seats and cemented Reeves’s status as one of the most committed action stars in the industry.

Despite the dangers and occasional embarrassments, Reeves remains passionate about performing his stunts. He views these experiences not as setbacks, but as opportunities to grow and learn. In reflecting on his career, Reeves has expressed gratitude for the challenges he’s faced, believing that they’ve helped him become a better actor and a more resilient person.

Keanu Reeves’s willingness to embrace the risks and potential for embarrassment that come with performing insane stunts is part of what makes him such a beloved figure in Hollywood. His ability to laugh at himself, even in the face of mistakes or near disasters, is a testament to his humility and grounded nature. Whether narrowly avoiding a stunt gone wrong or tripping over his own feet, Reeves takes it all in stride, showing that even the most successful actors are human too.