Keanu Reeves REVEALS The STRICT Rules He Had To Follow.. (VIDEO) rái đơ

Keanu Reeves, known for his versatility and dedication as an actor, has always approached his roles with a level of commitment that sets him apart in Hollywood. Over the years, Reeves has portrayed a wide range of characters, from the iconic Neo in The Matrix series to the relentless assassin John Wick. However, what many fans might not realize is the extent to which Reeves has had to adhere to strict rules and rigorous training regimens to bring these characters to life on screen.

In a recent interview, Reeves opened up about some of the strict rules and intense preparation he had to follow, particularly for physically demanding roles. For The Matrix, a groundbreaking sci-fi film that redefined action cinema, Reeves underwent months of martial arts training. He revealed that the filmmakers required him to train six days a week for several hours a day, mastering various martial arts techniques, wirework, and complex choreography. This training was essential not only for the authenticity of the fight scenes but also for the safety of the cast and crew, as many of the stunts were performed without the use of CGI.

Reeves mentioned that one of the strict rules was to avoid shortcuts in his training. The directors and stunt coordinators insisted that he learn every move, down to the smallest detail, to ensure that the action sequences looked as realistic as possible. This dedication to his craft meant that Reeves had to maintain peak physical condition throughout the shooting process, often pushing his body to its limits. The rigorous training also included weapons handling, where Reeves was required to practice with various firearms and melee weapons, ensuring that his movements on screen were precise and believable.

For the John Wick series, the level of preparation was even more intense. Reeves explained that the filmmakers imposed strict rules regarding his diet, sleep schedule, and physical conditioning. He had to follow a disciplined routine that included early morning workouts, strict nutritional guidelines, and hours of tactical training. The tactical training was particularly challenging, as it involved working with real professionals to learn how to handle firearms, execute combat maneuvers, and develop the tactical mindset of an elite assassin. This training was not just about physical fitness but also about mental sharpness, as Reeves had to memorize intricate fight sequences and execute them flawlessly.

Reeves also shared that he had to adhere to strict rules regarding his on-set behavior, especially when performing stunts. Safety was paramount, and Reeves was often reminded to follow protocols precisely. This included using safety harnesses, practicing stunts repeatedly before shooting, and always working closely with stunt coordinators to ensure that every action was carefully planned and executed. Despite his willingness to perform his stunts, Reeves acknowledged that the filmmakers were adamant about minimizing risks, often stepping in to prevent him from attempting overly dangerous maneuvers.

Another aspect of the strict rules involved maintaining the integrity of the character he was portraying. Reeves revealed that, for certain roles, he was asked to stay in character even when the cameras weren’t rolling. This method, often referred to as “method acting,” required him to immerse himself fully in the role, maintaining the character’s mindset, speech patterns, and physicality throughout the shooting day. While challenging, this approach helped Reeves deliver some of the most memorable performances of his career.

In reflecting on these experiences, Reeves expressed deep respect for the process and the people who helped him achieve such high standards in his work. He acknowledged that while the rules were strict and the demands were high, they ultimately contributed to the success of the films and his growth as an actor. Reeves’s willingness to embrace these challenges and adhere to these strict guidelines is a testament to his dedication and passion for his craft, qualities that have endeared him to audiences around the world.

These revelations about the strict rules Keanu Reeves had to follow offer a glimpse into the incredible effort and discipline required to create some of the most iconic films in modern cinema. It’s clear that Reeves’s commitment to his roles goes far beyond just memorizing lines; it’s about fully embodying the characters he plays, no matter the cost.