(VIDEO) Adam Schefter BREAKING: Timeline for Brandon Aiyuk get done deal in trade to Steelers or stay 49ers

Wide receiver, now Brandon auk, meanwhile, an even more interesting one, because this is a team in the 49ers that has already found out the interest on the trade market for him to the degree that they know.

The Pittsburgh Steelers have the draft compensation and the contract offer to make this happen, where they can send them off and get the compensation they want.

And yet all of that is on hold while the 49ers continue to try that he falls into the same category with Cd Lamb and Jamar Chase, the Cowboys and Bengals receiver.

That one’s holding out one’s holding in auk’s holding in trade hasn’t happened.

I think the key is: when is the deadline?

Both sides have to agree on the deadline, because nobody moves toward their bottom line position until the clock is striking 12, because if you do it early, you get squeezed off of it.

When the clock finally does strike 12, I think what the 49ers are going to do, and the longer this goes without a trade to the Steelers, which seems to be the only team left, and think about all the work you got to do to get him up to speed.

If you bring him in in late August, how’s he going to be ready week one if he hasn’t even been there: new team, new coach, new playbook, new everything.

I think what’s going to happen is whatever the 49ers have decided.

The deadline is to get him in the fold and ready for week one.

Right at that moment they’re going to make their best offer

And they assume he’s going to take it.

But there’s no reason to do it until then, because if they do it now, he can slow play it and he can squeeze them for more.

When we really get to that deadline, and it’s probably right around Labor Day, right there’s a break after the preseason, the players get a few days off, they come back together, they start getting ready for week one, I’d say sometime Labor Day weekend.

That’s when this thing is most likely to get done, and I think at this point it makes the most sense.

He stays in San Francisco, because if the Steelers were going to get him, they’d have to have him by now or you’re not getting anything out of him in the early part of the Season.

There is a chance that the Steelers continue to witness what they have- a wide receiver right now you know- and what the potential opportunity is.

A quarterback and how good the defense is.

It’s like, maybe they will make one last ditch offer as training camp continues to roll on to get Brandon iuk in there

And maybe they won’t.

But like there are so many teams that were ready and willing, fan base wise, to get Brandon auk on their team- and it feels like there was only one possible outcome and that’s him- remain with the Niners.

Florio, did you get duped in any of this from the the sources that you had, that he was potentially going anywhere?

It was chaotic for like six days straight, full chaos of like report.

There was the amount of source offs, with reporters reporting different at the same time was insane.

And then you know the beginning.

It it didn’t happened throughout, and I think we talked about that a little bit.

The Vlog post thing at the beginning, like, really ignited it all too.

It’s like, oh, we’re about to.

It’s like a reality shows happen.

They’re putting, like real public pressure on this entire thing.

I don’t think they dropped much throughout the rest of that.

But then there was reports every other day of a new landing spot.

What was out there?

What they offered?

Whether it was the 49ers, whether it was the Patriots, whether it was the Browns?

I feel like once doors were closed, that’s when people felt compelled to say things to justify their own position.

And at the end of the day, was it possible?

Something could happen?

Yes, but it was never finalized, it was never done.

Obviously, and in a situation like this, with that many moving parts and that many teams, the best course- unless you have a direct pipeline to exactly what’s going on and you can trust that person, the best thing to do is just let it play out.

W those day-to-day insiders- man, they, I don’t know how they exist, they battle, they literally like every day.

You could be T be potentially getting something that’s like massive, but then also, that could be partially true, you know.

And then, timing wise, oh, got to wait on some stuff.

You were never full-time Insider, right?

No, you were just always blogger, right.

That that was we’ve.

I mean we break news, but you know to the folks I’ll, Jay Glazer said something to me years ago that really resonated.

The only real journalism that happens in this space, in this Nfl media ecosystem, is the stuff that they don’t want us to know.

I don’t put a whole lot of stock in going to Twitter with somebody’s going to sign with this team 5 minutes before the team announces it, that we’re going to find out anyway, in five minutes, I want to find out the stuff that they don’t want us to know.

That’s the best stuff as far as I’m concerned, because they they’re going to announce everything, all the stuff the Insiders put out there, it all gets announced.

That’s awesome.

To think about you going.

Yeah We’re.

How do you get that?

How do you get that stuff, Dr Glazer?

Well, what what you do is: uh, you, you develop a reputation over the years of being willing to say what needs to be said, said without regard to what damage it might do to your own self-interests.

And then, when there’s something particularly controversial that somebody wants out there, they know they can trust you to be the one to do it.

You know there’s a lot of stuff that gets out there that other reporters have the opportunity, other people know about.

Remember a couple of years ago, the whole Sha Pton and Tom Brady, the Dolphins, wanted to get both of them.

Everybody knew about it, but nobody would say it, and we said it.

And of course they said: this guy’s full of.

And then it happens.

And of course they say I’m full of.

But at least that can’t be the reason anymore when the Dolphins got whacked for tampering with Shawn Pton and Tom Brady.

It is an interesting game whenever you’re wrong in the time

But you’re being viewed as if you were right.

And then, if you are right at the time and you’re being viewed as wrong at the time feels like the get back on the other side is never ever equal as to what it was.

Hey, and that’s day-to-day Sports.

Talk, baby, and we’re lucky to be a part of it, and we app.

As long as the check clears, like Charles Barkley said, as long as a postman shows up on the 15th and the 30th, I don’t care.

Uh, okay, well, I would like to talk to you about that particular mindset.

You know, at some point I think we could have maybe a, a cigar and a whiskey.

And, and your incredible Lodge, you got down there at West Virginia.

Last question here, because it is something that has, uh, troubled us, but I assume you’ll have an angle for why it’s potentially taking place.

Go tone.

Yeah, Flor, I was watching the Falcons uh, preseason game and out comes Taylor hinek to start the game

And I was a little confused.

Uh, I was like, did did Penx get jumped on the depth chart?

And then Penx just never came in.

Have you seen seen a situation where a backup rookie quarterback- um, just they don’t play him in the preseason.

Or were you?

Have you found anything out there?

Were you confused by that?

It makes no sense whatsoever.


The fact that they made Michael penck Jr the eighth overall pick in the draft, if they gave Kirk Cousins 100 million fully guaranteed as a practical matter, makes no sense either.

So it’s hard for those of us who have some sense to make sense of things that make no sense and to predict what they’re going to do next.

But look at the potential explanations for this.

Let’s say they got freaked out by the Jj Mccarthy season ending knee injury.

Maybe that’s the case.

They haven’t said that.

They’ve said we’ve seen enough from Michael Penx Jr. maybe Kirk Cousins isn’t ready to go for week one and they want to have penic ready.

In the event that the whole Achilles thing- and he’s 36- maybe we need to use Penic.

Maybe they don’t want the ground swell to continue.

They don’t want fans, they don’t want media, they don’t want players.

They don’t want the owner putting pressure on them to go with Pennic.

That could be an explanation.

So there has to be a reason for it.

It makes no sense for a guy who supposedly isn’t going to play all year, to not play in two games.

That are his last two opportunities in theory to get any reps in his rookie season.

So it maybe they’re overthinking it, but it feels like they got something up their sleeve and we just sit back and wait and see what they’re going to do.

Yeah, I’m excited to see what they end up doing, because obviously we all had questions about what happened on draft night and then obviously Bill Bich was available and all this that came out from that.

So it made a lot of us wonder-

And I I think we could all admit this- saying what, what are they doing now?

Why would you give a $180 million deal- 130, I think, or maybe 120 million- guaranteed to Kurk cousins, then off of an Achilles, and then in doing so before he’s ever met, even met like the people that are in the cafeteria or the training room- strength staff coaches doesn’t even know.

You draft, uh, a guy top 10, to be the future of your league, and he’s very good player, and it’s like you bring him into the fold.

Now you’re like creating chaos almost for yourself, so everybody’s having questions.

If it ends up working out for him, though they’re the Geniuses- if doesn’t make it through the season, if Kirk can’t start.

They got this.

They’re the genius.

But what they’ve been doing as of late?

I’ve been a big fan of the moves, Judon coming in and being like I’m cool with not signing the contract.

I get to prove myself to this.

They had to recruit him and tell him that that had to be a. that was obviously very understood in conversation, because I think a question that Aj’s about to bring up is happening right in front of her face, bringing in.