Unexpected Signal Detected by Telescope: Have Aliens Truly Been Found

2022 is the year of explosion in the discovery of signs of UFOs as well as signs of “aliens”.

Telescope detects unexpected signal, have aliens really been found? (Photo: compiled by NTD)

Could blind Bulgarian psychic Vanga’s predictions about aliens invading Earth in 2022 come true?

On August 30, 2022, in Mexico UFO testified took pictures of UFOs with cell phones.

Photos of UFOs taken with mobile phones from witnesses in Mexico on August 30, 2022. (Screenshots)

August 25, 2022, witness in Brazil filmed UFO with cell phone. On the same day, witnesses in Leon, Mexico took photos of UFOs.

Witnesses in Brazil filmed UFOs with mobile phones on August 25, 2022. (Screenshots)

On August 13, 2022, testified in the US took photos of UFOs in Palmdale’s yard.

Witnesses in the US took photos of UFOs in Palmdale’s yard on August 13, 2022. (Screenshots)

August 1, 2022 Japanese witnesses take photos of UFOs.

Japanese witnesses took photos of UFOs on August 1, 2022. (Screenshots)

In July 2022, a Canadian witness while eating outdoors in Ontario took a photo of a UFO with his cell phone.

Canadian witness took photo of UFO with cell phone in July 2022. (Screenshot)

On June 27, 2022, a witness in Medellin, Colombia took a photo of a UFO with an iPhone.

Witnesses in Medellin, Colombia took photos of UFOs with iPhone on June 27, 2022. (Screenshots)

On June 15, 2022, testified in the US photographed a UFO next to a street in Duluth.

Witnesses in the US photographed a UFO next to a street in Duluth on June 15, 2022. (Screenshots)

These are just a few examples and there are many more. 

Entering 2022, especially after July, reports of UFO sightings spiked

Almost every few days there is such an announcement.

Could the predictions of the blind Bulgarian psychic, Mrs. Vanga, about the future of aliens invading Earth in 2022 come true?

Fast Radio Burst (FRB)

On January 11, 2020, Chinese authorities officially launched the radio telescope built in Guizhou, also known as China’s ‘Eye in the Sky’ (FAST), to begin searching for extraterrestrial civilization.
According to Chinese media, on June 14, 2022, radio telescopes detected many suspicious electromagnetic signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.
As soon as the news was announced, it immediately became a hot searched topic. Many Chinese netizens were extremely happy, feeling that after decades of searching for aliens, suddenly this time they were easily found.

Truong Dong Kiet, the main scientist in charge of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, discovered this when he led the research team to verify each of these suspected signals.

These signals are different from previous “narrowband electromagnetic signals”. Therefore, it is very likely that they are not naturally formed fast radio bursts (FRBs) in the universe. And it is very possible that it is an “artificial signal”.

After he revealed this information to the media, Chinese media immediately buzzed that the “Eye of the Sky” may have found aliens.

But for humanity, is finding aliens ultimately good news or bad news? If it really was a signal from aliens, would humans respond?

Prophecy of the prophet
A British freelance journalist answered this question coldly. His name is Nick Pope, he is a UFO investigator at the British Ministry of Defense, and is also a UFO expert. “Don’t, if the space phone rings… please don’t answer,” he said. If we find aliens or they find us, the world will change forever because for decades our TV and radio signals have been leaking into space.”

“Humans have long been a detectable civilization, any civilization that could threaten us has been aware of our existence.”

Nick Pope at Alien Snowfest 2019 in Big Bear, CA (Photo: commons.wikimedia)

But Nick Pope is not the first to issue such a warning. Several decades ago, someone gave serious warnings about aliens attacking Earth. 

This person is a Bulgarian psychic, the blind prophet Baba Vanga. Baba Vanga was born in 1911 and died in 1996. Before her death, she prophesied that, by the end of 2022, aliens will invade Earth by mining asteroids. The results of Earth’s human search for alien life are not a good thing for humanity. More seriously, the aliens will not come completely. Alien spaceships will attack Earth, bomb cities and capture earthlings.

Blind prophet Baba Vanga prophesied that aliens would invade Earth by mining asteroids. (Photo: compiled by NTDVN)

When she was alive, Baba Vanga made many prophecies about the future of humanity on Earth. Although there are prophecies that have not yet come true, some major events are still very accurate, such as September 11, the 2004 tsunami, Obama’s election, and Trump’s Covid infection.

Was her prediction about aliens invading Earth a scare, or was it a hit to the point? The experience of an American lieutenant answered this question.

UFO shoots down intercontinental missile (ICBM)

In September 1964, Dr. Robert Jacobs was invited to the office of his boss, Major Mansmann. Lieutenant Jacobs is actually a PhD.

From 1963 to 1966, he was a photographic equipment officer at Vandenberg Air Force Base near Las Vegas, California.

This is a top secret job. Jacobs’s subordinate staff has about 100 people specializing in filming and taking photos of ICBM test tests. Jacobs’s superior was Major Mansmann.

One day in 1964, Major Mansmann took Jacobs north to Big Sur to install a new ultra-long-range video camera system. This is a new type of theodolite, you can call it a telescope. It has a resolution of up to 257 km. This was very high resolution, unbelievable at the time.

Lieutenant Jacobs, following orders, went with his party to Big Sur. At a picturesque national park near Monterey in central California, they installed this huge new device. By September, Lieutenant Jacobs understood the significance of installing this new equipment.

On the 14th, Vandenberg Air Force Base fired a missile carrying a fake nuclear warhead at a small atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The launch was to test a new foil system. This system can lure Russian anti-nuclear missile systems. 

The launch was performed perfectly. The latest camera equipment installed by Lieutenant Jacobs also helped monitor the firing process perfectly. Everyone popped champagne to celebrate and packed their bags to leave Big Sur back to base.

Two days later, Lieutenant Jacobs received a call from Major Mansmann to come to the office immediately. Jacobs put down the phone and immediately went to Major Mansmann’s office at Strategic Headquarters.

Entering the office, Jacobs saw that in addition to Major Mansmann, there were also two men in gray flannel suits. On the desk is a 16mm projector.

After Major Mansmann sat Jacobs behind the projector, he turned the projector on. A miraculous scene happened. Here is a video of the rocket launch. The bottom of the rocket could be clearly seen 257 km away. The D-type nose cone Atlas missile in the video flies towards its target – the small Quadra atoll.

This test is to test whether this missile system can launch metal foil to lure Russia’s anti-missile system. The cone-shaped rocket is moving through space at a speed of about 12.875 kilometers per hour.

Then, according to plan, the fire arrow opened and a cloud of metal fragments flew out, reflecting light in the sunlight. A giant warhead then successfully left the tip of the missile and penetrated the cloud of metal fragments. 

By then, the video Jacobs watched showed everything going perfectly according to plan.

But the next scene surprised Jacobs.

When the fake warhead penetrated the cloud of metal fragments, from the left, a flying saucer suddenly flew into the screen, flying above the warhead in the direction of the missile’s flight. The top of the disc resembles a ping pong ball, from this ping pong ball shoots a beam of light into the warhead.

Then it flies in front of the warhead and fires a second beam, then it flies under the warhead and fires a third beam. It passes behind the warhead again and fires a fourth beam. Finally, it flies along the same path and leaves the screen.

Look at the bullet after being hit by the light beam, continuously rolling around, out of sight, and here the film stops.

Major Mansmann said: “Lieutenant Jacobs, what are you guys causing trouble outside?”.

“No sir” – Jacobs immediately stood up and answered.

“Then what is it?” – The major asked angrily.

“In my opinion, it looks like we have encountered a UFO,” Jacobs said

“Okay, from now on you can never say that again. Just pretend it never happened, understand?” – The major said.

“Understood, Major,” Jacobs said.

“I don’t need to remind you of the severity of the security leak, do I?”

“Yes, sir,” Jacobs replied.

“Okay, you’re fired, Lieutenant.”

Jacobs went out the door and Major Mansmann followed, then leaned into Jacobs’ ear and said: “If you are questioned about this. You have to give them some answers, just tell them this is a tracking laser.”

In fact, there were no tracking lasers in the United States at that time. In 1964, lasers were still being developed in the laboratory.

Major Mansmann returned to his office, at which point two men in gray flannel suits stood up. One of them said to Major Mansmann: “I don’t need to explain to you the severity of a security leak, do I?”

The major replied: “Yes, sir.”

Then the two of them cut out the video containing the flying saucer part, put it in their briefcase and left.

Since then, Major Mansmann and Jacobs pretended this never happened. 17 years of silence, 17 years later, Jacobs realized that the information that the major asked him to keep absolutely secret, was never a secret. So he published his story in the National Enquirer.

But what he didn’t expect was that after the story was published, he started receiving threatening calls at home, and his mailbox was blown up. While blasting, someone called and cursed at him. So he had to move his family to a rural town and has been unemployed since then.

Dr. Robert Jacobs sits in the middle. (Screenshots)

But Jacobs’ story caught one person’s attention. This man’s name is Robert Salas.

Robert graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in 1964, served on active duty for seven years, served as a weapons operator, piloted target drones, also served as a radiology officer, and ICBM commander. and during the Titan III program held the position of Air Force rocket propulsion engineer.

From 1971 to 1973, Salas worked as a safety and reliability engineer for proposed space shuttle designs at Martin-Marietta Aerospace and Rockwell International.

From 1974 to 1995, he worked at the Federal Aviation Administration until his retirement.

In 2005, he and collaborator James Klotz published the book “Faded Giant,” detailing a UFO incident he witnessed in 1967.

In October 2021 he interviewed Jacobs and, according to Jacobs’ description, used computer animation to restore what Jacobs saw back then. 

And the process of flying saucers destroying missiles, demonstrated to the public at UFO conferences.

“I was part of a government cover-up for 17 years,” an emotional Jacobs said in an interview. Why did I lie about this? Why did Major Mansmann lie about this?”

“I didn’t receive any money. My family and I were harassed and laughed at, and got no benefits. But it’s important to let people know the truth. They have the right to know so I will continue to tell my story.”

In 2018, famous theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking, before his death, also expressed concern about China’s Eye in the Sky. When he was alive, he publicly opposed China’s “Eye in the Sky” plan many times. He believes that if aliens really receive human disaster signals, he is afraid that it will cause the world.

In 2017, when China detected a suspicious signal from aliens, Hawking warned to “never respond”.

Hawking believes that China’s “Eye in the Sky” is such a large-scale tool that can make it easier for aliens to explore Earth.

However, China seems to have completely ignored Hawking’s warning, and will not and never will pay attention.