(VIDEO) 49ers and Steelers have deals in place for Brandon Aiyuk, where should he go? | NFL | SPEAK

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

It seems like auk wants his cake and he wants to eat it too.

It seems like he wants to play for a winning team and he wants to be paid incredibly High money.

I didn’t say that.

That’s what.

Okay, then I’ll say it.

That’s what it seems like.

No, say what I said, how you, what you say, he wants his.

I guess you won’t say on air: don’t worry about it, keep going.

So when I think about a James, it’s like: should auk want to play for the Steelers or should he want to play for the ners?

You’re a receiver, you know what it’s like.

Yeah, um, if the money is the same, he should want to play for the San Francisco 49ers.

If the money is not the same and it’s a bigger bag from the Pittsburgh Steelers, he should want to get out of there.

But you are in a really good situation.

How much, break that down?

Because obviously, right, duh, what you just said, duh.

So let’s just say the Ners, let’s just say the Niners offer him $27 million and the Pittsburgh Steelers say here, goow, $32 million, I gotta go, I’m out of here.

Catch Me, If You Can.

I’ll see y’all later when I we come back and play the Niners one of these years?

27 and 30.

I’m out of here.

Okay, make it 28 and 30.

No, I’m staying with the San Francisco.

So $2 million is your mark2 million.

We um, any little guarantee, little difference.

Hold on now, little extra signing bonus, cuz, if you going to give me little- hold up this- how it works.

If you give me a little moreone on on the on the yearly average, you going to get a little money on some other areas too, though that’s how it works.

A little more money in the in the second year, like all that matters.

That’s talking about contract period.

Got it what you say.

I said I ain’t giving up a lot of money for okay, let me ask-

And this might be my new apologies viewers in advance, but I’m very curious again.

You played wide receivers for 9 years over the course of a 4-year deal.

How much money are you giving up to stay in the bay? 8 million, 10 million, 6 million.

Over the course of a four-year deal?

How much money are you giving up to stay in the Bay versus going to Pittsburgh?

No more than five mill, okay, wow, and he don’t.

I don’t think he has kids either, though I don’t know about all that I mean that matter, though, over the course of the four-year deal, no more more, no more than five mil.

Okay, So it’s a small margin.

Yeah, It it’s small, but at the same time it’s listen, if the N, if, if Brandon auk wants to stay with the Ners, he can stay with the Ners.

Obviously, the numbers probably ain’t too far, far apart right now.

So obviously he’s chasing something else.

What else are you chasing?

Brandon auk, you know what I mean, because the the reports coming out is people done offered you big money and you not, and You and you don’t want to go there.

So so what else are you chasing?

Obviously the situation matters to him big time.

So obviously he’s trying to find a situation that fits him, like the situation he’s in with the Niners, but he just wants his money to add up to that.

So my thing is is you’re really not going to find too many situations like the 49ers.

I was a free agent before and I knew clear as day that yes, I want to go out here

And I want to go back home, I want to play in the Bay Area, but I’m not going to find a situation like I am in right now with Aaron Rogers.

But something has to give.

Right, and I wanted to go back home and play in front of my people in the Bay Area.

For Brandon iuk, something has to give, either you being in a situ right situation has to give, or you going to chase this money, whatever team Patriots, uh, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, whatever team something has to give.

Yeah, That’s a good point.

I guess, if I’m looking at the the contract situation, if I’m going stay for less or more right, I just think about: okay, let’s just go to football terms.

Right, cuz it seems like he wants to play for a good team, cuz some of the offers I’ve heard with the Patriots, they’re not really that good.

Cleveland, solid, yeah, kind of right, but you don’t know, but it’s like up

And okay.

So then, so all right, I’ve been with the three, the the Ners, for the last couple years, three straight NFC championship games.

So I’m used to winning, I’m used to playing prime time.

That’s one part.

The second part is: I’m a wide receiver, he’s all pro, so I used to.

I’m used to getting the ball, I’m used to getting a lot of attention.

So if you look at it, okay, he had 105 targets.

Now that’s pretty good to me, but it’s a lot of guys getting more than that.

So does he want the ball more?

Right, he had 1300 yards.

Yeah, does he want more yards?

Okay, let’s go to the money part.

Now you start looking at:

Okay, where is he stand that?

So a guy like Dj Moore is really really good, but he signed for 27 million a year.

Right, you got, you got Da from the Raiders

And then you got Jayden wild with 28.

So I’m thinking, if I’m trying to compare myself to all these other guys- cuz he’s still young and he’s up for his second


That’s probably when you’ll get the most money.

Do you take the bread or you do you take trying to play with a solid team?

Because there’s nowhere in the middle, right, because I feel like the Ners eventually, cuz, they keep telling: yo, we love you, we want you, we want you eventually.

All right, look, man, we trying to get this thing done and you holding us up, we, eventually we have to move on and get ready for the season season.

Cuz, what two, three weeks for the season to start.

So, like you can’t be mixing around and playing around.

I just think for Br, he got.

Let him know what he really want.

Cuz, I lie.

He, he he is.

Right now he has the leverage.

Cuz y’all want me, Yo Yo, Yo Yo, yo y’all want me this.

Imagine being in the club, right.

You’re in the club, your best songs on, got your jewelry on right, and it’s like five, six girls right there.

Though, right now, you know her the best

And she love you to death.

But do you look to the side right?

She want you, but everybody wants you.

You got to make your mind up and say: who am I leaving with?

Tonight can’t leave with both, can’t leave with both.

Both can’t take both.

Yeah, You not another situation, can’t leave both.

So you’re not having your best night then.

Yeah, not not your greatest night, but a really good night.

It is now he could.

I mean he.

I mean I Ain going to get into that you got to pick.

One got to pick.


A wants to wants the cake and the Buns.

M cake and the Buns he want.

He wants the cake and the bread.

So he putting it.

He wants to have his cake and eat that and get bread.

Yeah, little Wi, lots of carbs.

So he putting cake in the bun, cake and the bread, Al together.

That’s what it seems like.

He wants to go a place where he’s going to get opportunity to play at a high level, he’s going to get the numbers, he’s going to play for a competitive team and he’s going to make as much money as possible.

So he’s gone down to two teams in Pittsburgh and San Francisco.

Yeah, I understand wanting to stay in San Francisco, but only if the money is right now.

Now me personally.

Kids, no kids, Auntie Whatever.

I’m getting my money because I only have a certain amount of time to do this and this.

I may not ever have this leverage ever again.

You do not know Speciic specifically at at positions like that.

There’s a million things that could happen.

So I I feel like it is a bit confusing, because most people would want to stay in San Francisco.

It’s it makes most sense.

You’re already there, you’re already familiar.

We’re in the middle of training camp and preseason at this point, like there’s a lot of adjustments that could happen.

But I mean to me if it’s a matter of a very, very small amount of money.

I’m staying in San Francisco, but I’m talking about


I could get this at some appearances- money if it’s any kind of Gap.

No, no, like I have to get the most amount of money really quick.

He don’t have like.

No, there no trade clause or anything in his cont.

No, no, of course not rookie deal.

So the Niners could just truly ship him anywhere they want, without him.

But they want him, though I know so that that’s the thing he won’t go because, remember he, a team won’t trade for him, unhappy.

So that’s the Dilemma.

A team won’t acquire Brandon iuk if he’s like, I’m not going to play here, they’re not going to acquire.

Especially if he’s like, I’m not going to sign here.

Cu, why would you give up a first or second round pick?

Say it again:

J might, yeah, that’s true, but

But but I mean you have to.

I do think if that happens, he’s upset.

They going have to pay a lot, lot of money to get him.

You know what.

That is okay, make it happier, make me better, make me feel a little better.

But at that point then now he’s going to have to sit out a whole year.

We we all know that.

Ain’t nobody giving up that?

I don’t think he’ll sit.

What I think is this is, if the Steelers were to trade a second round pick for Aayu, they’re trading him knowing they can sign him for the next five.

Otherwise you just wasted a second round pick for one year.

So you already know auk’s going to have to sign off on where he’s going, because he’s going to have to say I’m going to sign a longterm deal wherever I go.

I think he should stay in a bay.

I think he should stay in a bay because when you think about the quarterback- play in, in, in, in, in, in, in in the bay- the Steelers have seen the quality of play Brock pie gave you last year, four times in the last 20 years.

When you talk about 30 touchdowns, 11 interceptions- four times in the last 20 years, you got that last year.

So if you want competent quarterback play, stay with Kyle Shanahan.

You want to go to to Pittsburgh.

We talking.

Is it Fields?

Is it Wilson?

If it is Russell Wilson, Russell ain’t going to be there for all four your years.

Are he not going to be there?

If it is Justin Fields, do you trust that Justin Fields is going to develop and have you allowing to continue to get all pro seasons and All Pro seasons and All Pro Seasons?

If you stay in San Fran, you know, regardless of who’s a quarterback, you’re going to get really good play.

To me, James, that matters.


But so my thing is is then he should be signed already, because the Ners is not coming up on the number, whatever number the Ners is off for Brandon auk, if it’s 27, we don’t know what it is.

If it’s 27, if it’s $28 million, they’re not coming up on the numbers th this is our number.

So if you’re weighing all these options and you Cleveland done offer 30 million and Pittsburg done offer 30 million, and you still sitting here like I’m not g to sign off on that stuff, then sign with the 49ers.

Yeah, I don’t.

I don’t understand what the hold up is now, because if you’re not going somewhere for more money and not caring about the quarterback situation, then stay your butt in San Francisco for this $728 million they offered you.

What are we playing around for?

But I think it’s like-

And we’ve all been in these situations before for one reason or another- where you want to go somewhere else

But you don’t really want to go somewhere else like to, in my mind.

Auk don’t want to leave the bay, he want the ners to pay him.

But the ners are like: look bro, we got 26 for you period.

That’s what they told him, and they hadn’t renegotiated since May.

I think they’ve come up maybe ever so slightly since then.

A don’t want to leave San Fran, but he wants other people to give him these options, and San Fran’s like all right.

See what’s out there.

Go to Cleveland if you want to.

So what about this, though?

Right, because I think we we’re kind of this.


We’re defending the team a little bit too much, right, because I know we’re trying to say, okay, either take this deal or move on, but let’s go to the team right now.

Now, as good as cam is, I think he could win without brand auk.


But I don’t think they’re a better team without Bruk.

I will say this part now.

We have been close the last three years.

We’ve been super close with the same group.

Why can’t be running back and pay me my money?

Because, yeah, you might be a really good coach and all this and that, but you get there.

You don’t win, right, you don’t win.

You got all these special pieces you want to use.

Chris mcaffry is one of the best.

Yes, he is Kidd all the.

You got all these other pieces that we talk about, but I’m one of the main pieces.

Look at his numbers.

He’s all pro.

For reason, why not give me my money and let’s let this try.

This last race at it, because with you we didn’t win either, would be a, could be a counter, the same thing, okay.

So we all had Ar by all the other teams.

What I’m saying is, if we got this close with this great player, I mean, are we better without him?

The answer is no, cuz.

Then I guess the next thing we’re going to do is we going go to a rookie Wi receiv a replacement?

I don’t think better like that.

I don’t think Br part’s happier with having a rookie taking his Brin out spot.

So my thing is, I would say to the owners: listen, man, I get your point, but if you feel that I’m one of the best, like you think I am, because you offer me a solid contract, I need a little bit more money to make this thing go, because we are this close as a team, why not get me sign, get Trent sign and let’s do this thing, because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

But that’s.

But that’s why I think Brandon aay should have been gone.

This is the number they are offering you.

This is where they value you at 2627 million.

That’s where we value you at.

Yeah, We want you, but this is where we value you at, because we know we got Debo.

We got, but that could be wrong too, though the way you, Val, moved up, though what I’m saying is the way you.

Maybe you need to check them, like Yo, the way I value me is wrong, because what’s the alternative?

You, Gna, go with a rookie to repl.

But here’s what I think the Niners have the power.

Because, remember, the Niners went to the Super Bowl, albeit they lost, just like last year with auk.

They went to the Super Bowl with Emanuel Sanders at wide receiver, with uh Raheem moard with running back, with Debo as a rookie.

The wide receiver coin helped me out with the other wide receivers- I think Conley was a wide receiver, like they went to the Super Bowl in 2019 with Emanuel with two 700 yard wide receivers.

So, with that being said, Kyle Shanahan gon say: look, auk, we love you, but we’ve been here without you and we’ll go back again without you.

I don’t know if you gonna go, but I know we gonna go.

Kendrick Bourne was out there, amongst others, like you know, Kyle gonna go win to Joyce’s point.

The Niners left to go and lose.

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

But we know Kyle will go again regardless.

I me, I, you, I think.

Look, the Niners are always going to be competitive, but you should never take for granted getting there.

Come on now.

You should never take for granted having the talent that you have a a strangle hold on the Nfc with, and auk is a part of that.

Like all, Proo is hard to do.

He did do that.

He is their number one volume receiver.

He was crucial in them, even getting to the Super Bowl.

So I’m not saying that they’re going to fall off a cliff without him or that Shanahan’s not going to be competitive or anything.

But Do’s not take like there’s.

We see teams do that like.

Don’t take for granted that you have this, this kind of roster, and I don’t think that they are, which is why they’re offering him this money, but they’re trying to make it work.

It’s a salary cap League.

I just think what it comes down to at the end of the day is: what does Iuk truly want?

What do you want?

Do you want?

Do you want to stay with San Francisco?

Take a little less money, want and compete?

Want to stay there?

I’m sure he does want to stay, but the money is not matching, obviously, or it would already been done.

Who’s in the power real quick?

We give Kyle someone’s credit and he deserves it.

But I went back and watched that Super Bowl like three times.

A good friend of mine, you know, works with the team.

We was just talking about it

And I gotta be honest, he was the only one, in my opinion, was was open, was working him with cornerbacks.

Right, you look at the the All Pro Corners that the Chiefs had.

He was even on D’s problems.

Now the ball was getting there, whatever it is.

But I just think that to go farther in the playoffs, what they’ve been doing to go to Super Bowl, what they’ve been doing to actually win it, you need a route Runner like Brandon auk, but the kicker is.

In my mind, there are so many, not necessarily aukes, but if you’re, if you’re, if you’re Kyle Shanahan, you know you can do this cuz.

He’s done it.

He’s done it with the Pierre Garson.

He’s done it with, uh, different receivers across different leagues.

Again, I say this: Julio Jones is probably a Hall of Fame receiver, maybe a first ballot, and his best season, his second best season, was with Kyle Shanahan.

Andre Johnson is already in the Hall of Fame.

His two best seasons were with Kyle Shanahan, Pierre Garson.

His best season was with Kyle Shanan.

If you’re Auk big dog, like you want keep doing that, you keep living like that working matter.


And I so does the great numbers that you’re putting in the bank account like that.

That also matters.

So, and in when you’re were talking about like your question, you asked James: how much money are you leaving on the table over all these years?

And we don’t know, because we don’t have the exact details of these contracts.

But if you’re talking about the difference between making leaving $10 million on the table like that’s a lot to think about, but then it’s just K hand numbers, cool.

So is $10 million like he take like?

Hey, remember, when I got- excuse, Mr Banker, this is the numbers that I did for, uh, Kyle Shanahan.

But here’s what’s interesting, though, and Shady James-

I guess both of y’all could speak to It- is: how much is a Super Bowl worth?

And how much is a chance of the Super Bowl worth?

Because if you go to Cleveland again- I was drafted to Cleveland.

Shout out to the Browns fans.

Y’all are incredibly persevering.

Shout out to you, Mohan.

But if you go to Cleveland, your chance at winning a Super Bowl drastically diminishes.

If you go to Pittsburgh as it stands as of late, they haven’t won a playoff game since 2016.

Your chance of winning a Super Bowl, Super B. do the n. no, do the ners now go to a super.

If you stay with the Niners, you’re Ch.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

If they don’t have him, go to them.

Yeah, go, I think they go to a Super Bowl, but they want to win.

They Yo, Niner fans, they tired.

This, though, like you can brag about being a Niner because they are a good team, you think they tired of going and losing, going and losing.

You hear how good your players are, good the roster is, how good the defense is, how good this offensive coordinator is, how good the head coach is, and you keep losing.

So, as much as you saying all that, who cares about being in second place?

But at least if you’re, I’m saying if you’re auk, if you’re auk, you know.

If you’re in s Fr, that’s a point.

Second place, they not.

You think they’re not.

Let me ask you, though, Shady, hold on real quick.

I gotta ask Shady this: this personal question, personal question: you were the highest paid running back in the National Football League a couple of times.

Specifically: 2015: Buffalo Bills: 14, maybe $16 million.

I don’t remember unheralded money.

You’re still top 10, highest paid ever at the position, but in Buffalo you had it hard.

You still ended up getting a All Pro- your second year.

I believe it was.

But you had it hard

And y’all didn’t come close to winning.

Y’all didn’t sniff winning.

Think about winning, dream about winning.

There was no winning.

Okay, we get it.

We got it now.

In Kansas City, obviously, you were making pennies comparatively to the 16 million.

In Tampa, you were making pennies comparatively to the 16 million, but you got two Super Bowls.

So I asked you this personal question to say: where do you value like money?

But you, were you going to work, wasn’t as fun, like: oh, we winning, we winning, we win.

The thing, though, like.

I can’t answer that question, though, because, um, from the beginning of my career, right, I was getting busy and I was getting money, and money and money right.

I I didn’t see my last.

How can I say I never had one year left of my contract without even being in conversation, of ripping it up where he’s on his second?

I had like four or five contracts.

He’s on his second contract first one hoping for a second.

I mean you know what I’m saying.

Second one, so it’s is different levels.

Cuz, now I’m older and I’m slowing down a little bit.

Now I want to win.

Keep the money.

I want to win.

Cuz, I got the money.

Cuz, I got the money.

He’s still young.

And then how you feel when you see all these other wide receivers getting all this money?

Come on, I hear what you saying, but it’s one part of like Yo, I’m young and I’m really really good and we have a lot of Suess, but we haven’t won nothing.

Let’s keep it real.

Cuz you talking only on a team perspective.

If I’m bring on you and my agent, I’m like: well, look, man, we got close, so we a win nothing and I’m the best Wi receiver on this team.

So y’all need me to win to get over the hump.

Cuz, they ain’t get over the hump yet.

Nope, we be talking like they.

They, they just win something though.

Sorry, James, but cuz, Cuz, Outro, he love the Ners and he be talking like they, the Chiefs.

You get what I’m saying.

But but not only that.

My agent told me when I first sign, my rookie did what he tell you, Jones son, the winner is the person who walks out of the National Football League with the most money- not necessarily the most Super Bowl rings.

If I made $5 million and got five Super Bowl Rings-

And I’m sitting here broke right now-

I lost so all the Super Bowl rings and it.

It sound good, but I need to get my money.

If I’m Brandon auk, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to make a lot of money like this.

We talked about it in our production.

Mean you ain’t just walking in a job making a million dollars.

It is hard to make money out here.

So forget them Super Bowl rings.

I need my money to provide for my family and all that type stuff.

So yes, Super Bowl rings is cute and all that I understand, but I need my money, because you know what else is true too.

It’s a lot of free agents that leave.

It’s a lot of people get traded.

You know where they end up winning a Super Bowl with the money.

So I understand what you’re saying.

You might have a better chance going back, but we see a lot of people go to different teams too and get back to a Super Bowl and win it.

Yeah, And he’s he’s not a quarterback.

Go get that money, man.

So yeah, like winning a Super Bowl is is amazing for every position, but it it’s not like if he wins a Super Bowl, he’s he’s making money on that, necessarily in in at the end of his career.

Like doubt about that.

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