ᏙΙᎠΕΟ 50 Ϲеᥒt ΒΑϹΚЅ Μο’Νіqᥙе Αᥒd ΕΧΡΟЅΕЅ Τуlеr Ρеrrу & ΤᎠ Јаkе’ѕ Ѕаϲrіfіϲіᥒɡ Υοᥙᥒɡ Βοуѕ

You don’t worry about cancel culture, huh huh.

Why would you cancel things that great for the culture?

Right, right, like I mean like I. I was like cancel, like Mo’nique.

Why is she cancel?

I had to revisit that, cuz it was like it didn’t make sense to me

And I said: but you, Tyler Perry, and you never told anyone too.

For years, actress and comedian Mo’nique has been vocal in her criticism of media Moguls like Tyler Perry and Bishop Td Jake.

She hasn’t just expressed General discontent.

She’s made specific and disturbing allegations accusing them of fostering A system that exploits Young boys for their own gain.

These are serious accusations and for a long time they were largely ignored or dismissed by the public.

Many perceived her statements as the result of career frustrations and a desire to court controversy.

However, the narrative has taken a sharp turn.

Rapper and entrepreneur 50cent has stepped forward to publicly support Mo’nique and her claims.

50 Cent, known for his non-nonsense approach and willingness to speak truth to power, is lending significant weight to Monique’s accusations.

He’s not just echoing her sentiments.

He’s actively working to expose what he believes to be a deeply troubling situation.

This isn’t just celebrity gossip.

These are serious allegations with potentially far-reaching consequences.

50 cents involvement elevates the situation, forcing a closer examination of Monique’s claims.

You don’t worry about cancel culture, huh huh.

Why would you cancel things that great for the culture?

Right, right, like I mean like I, I was like cancel, like Monique.

Why is she canceled mhm?

I had to revisit that, cuz it was like it didn’t make sense to me.

Bab, I’m like.

What did she do?

She said something you didn’t like like, so she didn’t work for 13 years.

After that, right, it’s crucial to remember that throughout this Whirlwind of speculation, business deals and power plays, Mo’nique has been standing firm.

She’s been waging this battle against Tyler Perry for years, facing down dismissals, industry push back and outright attempts to silence her.

She’s been called bitter, difficult and worse, yet she’s never backed down from her accusations.

Now, finally, she has a powerful Ally in her Corner.

50 Cent hasn’t just offered words of support.

He’s pledged to stand beside her and fight.

He’s using his platform to amplify her voice, bringing her allegations back into the spotlight and demanding they be taken seriously.

This isn’t just about business or Hollywood maneuvering anymore.

It’s personal.

50 Cent recognizes the Injustice of Monique’s situation and he’s publicly committed to helping her seek Justice.

With 50 cents resources, connections and unwavering determination behind her, Monique might finally have the leverage to break through the walls of silence and get the accountability she deserves.

This isn’t just a Hollywood Story anymore.

It’s a story about speaking truth to power, demanding Justice and refusing to be silenced.

Okay, So you know how 50 Cent has been having Monique’s back through this whole Tyler Perry thing.

Well, he just took it to another level.

Apparently, 50 went to see Monique’s standup show during Super Bowl weekend and let me tell you he was blown away.

He went on Instagram like Yo Monique had me in a trance.

That show was fire, not in those exact words, but he meant it.

He was hyping her up so hard, telling everyone they have to see her live and then get this.

He shared this mashup clip that Mo’nique made, mixing precious- with power Book 2.

Now I haven’t seen, seen it yet, but knowing those two, it’s got to be wild.

It’s clear that 50 Cent is totally in Monique’s corner, and he’s not just talking the talk.

He’s putting his money where his mouth is, promoting her work and showing everyone that she’s a force to be reckoned with.

I’m telling you, with 50 on her side, Mo’nique is Unstoppable.

I got to get Monique back in pocket.

He captioned the clip and it gets even better.

50 Cent isn’t shying away from the blackballing issue either.

He straight up said we only cancel stuff that’s bad for the culture.

We need you to win again now, Monique.

He’s basically calling out the industry for shutting her out and saying it’s time for her comeback.

Then he took it even further, posting all in favor of Mo’nique being back on top.

Say: make it happen 50, stop around.

He’s rallying the troops, getting everyone fired up for Monique’s return, and you know what the fans are here for it.

The comments were full of people saying they want to see Monique in 50’s power Universe.

Can you imagine, with 50 Cent In Her Corner hyping her up and calling for her comeback?

I think Mo’nique is about to show everyone what she’s really made of.

Get ready world because Mo’nique is back.

But why is all of this happening?

Well, it’s because because of what happened with the movie Precious.

Do you remember how Mo’nique has been saying she was black balled after Precious?

She’s always pointed the finger at Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry and Oprah, saying they shut her out because she wouldn’t do those unpaid press tours.

They’ve always denied it.

But get this.

Monique was on this show, turned out with Ts Madison and she dropped a bombshell, she said Tyler Perry finally called her to apologize for how she was treated and apparently she recorded the whole conversation.

The show’s host even said she’s heard the recording, so it’s not just Monique’s word against theirs anymore.

This changes everything.

If Tyler Perry really did apologize, it basically confirms that Mo’nique was right all along.

He might try to spin it, but an apology speaks volumes.

I can’t wait to hear this recording and see how Tyler Perry tries to explain himself.

Now Mo’nique is telling the truth.

Madison said often times when it comes to a black woman speaking up and speaking out, it goes unheard until she dies.

Then once she dies, then we go back and say: well, she was right and let’s make a movie about it, Mo’nique said during the show.

Now for those of you who don’t know, 50 Cent just dropped some serious truth bombs about Mo’nique and Tyler Perry.

He went on Big Boy’s Neighborhood and spilled all the tea about his mission to revive Monique’s acting career, and let me tell you he did not hold back.

50 Cent confirmed that he’s the one who got Mo’nique cast in season 2 of Bmf, and he made it clear that it wasn’t just a random casting choice.

He’s on a mission to help her rebuild her career after years of being black balled.

But here’s the really juicy part.

50 Cent actually called out Tyler Perry to his face about the whole thing.

He said he sat down with Tyler Perry privately and went to bat for Mo’nique, confronting him directly about the role he played in sidelining her career.

Can you even imagine being a fly on the wall for that conversation?

Knowing 50 Cent, he didn’t mince words.

He basically called Tyler Perry out on his own logic.

He was like: how has Mo’Nique been out of work for 13 years just because of something she said?

He even admitted that he couldn’t believe Tyler Perry would support that kind of blackballing.

Then 50 Cent dropped this bomb.

He said when he talked to Tyler Perry about it, Perry was all like: nah, I never told anyone not to work with her.

But then 50 Cent hit him with the truth, saying: but you’re Tyler Perry.

Even if you didn’t tell people not to work with her, you never told anyone to work with her either.

And apparently that’s when Tyler Perry was like:

Oh wow, I never thought of it like that.

Can you believe that it’s like?

Tyler Perry just woke up to the fact that his silence and inaction spoke volumes he might not have actively blackballed Mo’nique, but he sure didn’t lift a finger to help her either.

Leave it to 50 Cent to call him out on that hypocrisy.

This goes Way Beyond just giving Mo’nique a role in his show.

50 Cent is putting his own reputation and Industry connections on the line to fight for what he believes is right.

He sees Monique’s Talent, he know, knows she’s been wronged and he’s not going to stay silent about it.

With 50 Cent In Her Corner going to bat for her like this, I have a feeling Mo’Nique is about to have the last laugh.

This is her comeback story, and it’s just getting started like he wanted her to take back everything she said and admit she was wrong before he would even give her the time of day.

Mo’nique wasn’t having it, though.

She called him out publicly, saying at Tyler Perry: eventually the people will see, listen and do something about you not keeping your word.

I am not going anywhere.

So basically, Tyler Perry was trying to silence Mo’nique and make her apologize for speaking her truth, and now 50 Cent is exposing him for it.

It’s like he’s holding Tyler Perry accountable for his actions, something no one else in Hollywood has been willing to do.

This whole situation is messy, but I’m here for Mo’nique finally getting the recognition and support she deserves, and if you thought it couldn’t get any juicier, it does.

Mo’nique and her husband, Sydney Hicks, went on Instagram live and actually played the recording of Tyler Perry’s apology.

Can you believe it?

They weren’t messing around.

Apparently you can hear the remorse in Tyler Perry’s voice as he acknowledges how he missed treated Mo’Nique.

I mean talk about putting it all out there.

Mo’nique and Sydney clearly wanted everyone to hear the truth straight from the horse’s mouth.

But wait, there’s more.

It’s not just Tyler Perry and 50 cents crosshairs.

He’s also got his sight set on Bishop Td Jakes.

That’s right.

50 Cent is calling out the mega church pastor for his own brand of shady dealings.

According to 50, Td Jake is also involved in exploiting people and misusing his power and influence.

Remember how Monique has been accusing both Perry and Jake of shady stuff for years.

Well, it seems like Cent did his research and believes she’s telling the truth.

This is huge.

50 Cent and Mo are taking on two of the most powerful figures in Black Entertainment and religion.

He’s not afraid of their money, their influence or their reputations.

He’s on a mission to expose the truth and hold them accountable for their actions, and you know what’s really interesting.

This isn’t the first time Td Jake has been called out.

People have been whispering about his Shady dealings for years, especially his connection to Diddy.

There have been rumors and accusations swirling around those two for a long time, and it seems like 50 Cent is finally ready to air all the dirty laundry.

It makes you wonder: what does 50 Cent know that we don’t?

He’s not one to make empty accusations.

So if he’s coming after Td Jakes like this, you know there’s got to be some fire behind all that smoke.

This is about to get really interesting.


I once had Diddy text me.

Welcome to the family, but I was by a platinum selling producer who was one of his cohorts.

Recently He Slipped during a Sermon and said some pretty weird things.

I would have been swallowed up.

Have you ever been swallowed up?

Have you gone through a time of swallowing where everything was overwhelming and you now?

Isn’t that weird?

Td Jakes is out here preaching about some.

Come out of the closet metaphor, and Mo’nique is calling him out for sounding a little too familiar with the subject matter.

I see you, Mo’nique, leave it to the queen of unfiltered comedy to say what everyone else is thinking she’s like hold on, Bishop.

Why are we suddenly talking about swallowing during a sermon?

You trying to tell us something, and that line yes, and G, I’ve swallowed.

Have you?

I’m dead.

Monique is out here playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

She’s not afraid to call out hypocrisy, even when it’s coming from a powerful mega church pastor- and you know what I’m here for it, and it looks like the entire world agrees.

One fan wrote: Td Jakes was hiding in plain sight this whole time.

This whole TDY, Jake and Diddy connection is giving me serious side eye.

Like I get it, people from different walks of life can be friends, but something about a mega church pastor hanging out with Diddy at his notoriously wild parties just seems off, and the rumors definitely didn’t help.

People were Whispering that Jake was in too deep, that he must be involved in some of the Shady stuff going down at those parties.

It definitely tarnished his squeaky, clean image, but you got to hand it to Jake.

He never cracked Under Pressure.

He kept preaching, kept doing his thing and insisted he had nothing to hide.

Whether you believe him or not, you got to admit.

The man knows how to weather a storm still.

This whole thing just feels like.

There’s more to the story, you know.

Now it’s one thing for Mo’nique to call out Td Jake, but now Diddy’s former bodyguard is backing her up.

This just got real.

We’re not talking about some random nobody here.

Jean deal was Diddy’s right-hand man, the guy who saw everything.

And when he says he saw Td Jake at Diddy’s parties, you know he’s telling the truth.

And get this.

The details genan is sharing apparently match up perfectly with what Mo’nique has been saying.

Two completely different sources, both confirming the same story.

That’s not a coincidence, that’s confirmation, man.

What I think about it is this: you know, when I grew up in the church, the Sinners was not supposed to have the same atmosphere with the Saints.

You have to be able to se separate the two.

So I’m looking at him as a saint, going to a party.

That ain’t nothing but sin, drinking, maybe fornication, man on man, woman on woman, he on she.

But maybe he’ had to lay some hands on somebody, Maybe there to save some Souls.

I know he got a contract with Revol, so I’m just like it.

It’s just real strange that he would be found at any kind of Diddy party or any kind of uh place with Diddy, unless it’s in a business atmosphere.

So now what he’s doing is he’s making he he man, he making the Christians look real bad.

Right about now.

And you’ve been to these parties, right?

Oh yeah, uh, I was there when he was doing the white parties in the Hamptons and the whole n yard.

So I know what goes on at the parties.

If you know, they probably got a little bit more freakier.

You know as time went on, you know cuz they got to the point, whereas that they didn’t even care.

It used to be secretly.

You know where people used to go to.

You know separate rooms and different rooms, and they wasn’t doing that out in the public, you know so.

But now they don’t care.

Men kissing men and all this other.

It’s crazy.

It’s getting harder and harder to ignore these claims against Td Jakes.

With Mo’nique and Jean deal both speaking out, it feels like the truth is finally starting to come out.

I can’t wait to see how Jake tries to explain this one away.

But wait, this is about to get good.

So it’s not enough that Mo’nique and Jean deal are both calling out Td Jakes.

Now he’s allegedly threatening Mo’Nique to keep her quiet.

This is like a scene straight out of a ollywood Thriller, except it’s all too real man.


It’s hard, it’s hard to even talk about.

Why would you find a religious man, you know, when you know that the the Saints supposed to separate the self from the Sinners?

And why would a religious man like himself be at a party which is ain’t nothing, but sin is going on, Bro, Whe, it’s drinking, maybe fting, maybe, like I said, men on men, women on women, it.

It it’s hard to to to to put in perspective, unless he’s involving himself, what is actually going on at the parties.

It’s hard, brother, bro, you know, you can’t.

I, I, I, I, I really don’t know why, as a spiritual advisor to him, that they buddy, buddy, while they where he got a party with him like that and be at his parties.

It’s got to be.

Maybe it’s something more that meets the eye.

You know, I don’t know.

You know, I’ve had, uh, you know, I’ve.

I’ve talked to preachers and I’ve talked to to reverends and Priests, but they ain’t never came to a party with me or nothing like that.

So it’s hard to figure that one out, bro, without even saying you know what people might be thinking, but I heard that there’s supposed to be some tapes or something that’s coming out real soon, and I guess we’ll all really know the truth.

If anything’s on those tapes, you know what they say.

When you’ve got nothing to hide, you don’t try to silence the People speaking out.

Td Jak’s reaction just makes him look even guiltier.

It’s like he’s confirming their suspicions by trying to shut down the conversation.

And let’s be real, Mo’nique is the last person you want to threaten.

She’s Not Afraid of anyone and she’s already proven that she’ll take on anyone, even Oprah and Tyler Perry.

This whole thing is like a powder keg waiting to explode, with lawsuits flying around and more people coming forward with their stories.

It feels like we’re just scratching the surface of something much bigger and darker.

What started as whis Ers about Td Jake’s questionable friendships is turning into a full-blown Scandal.

Buckle up because this ride is about to get bumpy and you know Mo’nique is going to hold her ground.

She’s not backing down from this fight, especially now that she has 50 Cent In Her Corner.

They’re taking on the powerful and the privileged and they’re not going to stop until the truth is revealed.

This is about more than just Hollywood drama.

It’s about accountability, justice and exposing the hypocrisy that often hides behind wealth and influence.

Listen, you may really want to consider promoting this film, because if you get nominated for an Oscar award, your next film is $3 to5 million.

And now that the pastor’s name has come up, he’s trying to do some damage control.

Some even say that the reason Cassi had such a horrible life with the rapper was because she was trying to expose puff and his Social Circle.

Yep, you heard that right.

And there’s more now.

Monique and 50 disagreed strongly with the practices of powerful figures in the entertainment industry, figures they called Bishop and the Tycoon.

They viewed both men as manipulators who exploited black artists for their own financial gain, offering limited opportunities and controlling narratives while keeping the bulk of the prophets.

Monique was particularly angered by the way these figures claimed to uplift the black community while perpetuating harmful stereotypes and limiting creative control.

50, known for his Streetwise observations, pointed to the restrictive contracts offered by Bishop as evidence of his exploitative practices.

Both Monique and 50 believed it was time for a change, emphasizing the need for for black artists to reclaim their narratives and control their own Destinies.

And now fans are seeing the connection these two share.

One person recently tweeted on X Diddy shares a partial sermon of Bishop Td Jake preaching about remaining steady in the storm.

Each artist should be allowed to pursue the artistic Endeavor, but I still think there a lot of stuff that’s on today is coery and buffoonery, but we could do better now.

Here’s where things get even more interesting.

Following 50 cents public pronouncements in the subsequent media Firestorm, it seems Tyler Perry went into damage control mode.

He needed to neutralize the threat to his carefully crafted image and he needed to do it fast.

And how did he attempt to silence 50 Cent?

By employing a tactic he’s known for dangling the promise of collaboration.

Suddenly Whispers of potential projects began to circulate.

There were hints of 50 Cent potentially starring in a Tyler Perry production and rumors of collaborative efforts behind the scenes.

It was a classic charm offensive, creating the illusion of partner ship and shared goals.

Tyler Perry, the master of Feelgood entertainment, was extending an olive branch welcoming 50 Cent into his world.

The question on everyone’s mind is this: was this a calculated strategy by Tyler Perry to silence a vocal critic?

Did he believe he could appease 50 Cent with the Allure of Hollywood success, effectively neutralizing a threat to his Empire?

It’s a question many are asking and the answer May reveal a lot about the power dynamics at play in this unfolding drama.

Did 50 Cent see through the charade or was he tempted by the potential opportunities?

Tmz is reporting that Tyler Perry is singing 50s Praises, even saying he’s open to merging their production powerhouses for a future project.

Apparently they had a meeting at Tyler Perry Studios in Georgia and according to both of them, it went swimmingly.

Now call me cynical, but this whole situation just seems too convenient.

50 Cent starts exposing Tyler Perry and suddenly Perry wants to work with him.

It all feels very.

If you can’t beat him, join him.

Is Tyler Perry really impressed with 50 cents Empire or is this just a calculated move to keep his enemies close?

I’m not saying that’s definitely the case, but it’s definitely something to think about.

And Perry is going all out with the compliments, telling Tmz he’s proud of 50 Cent success and is down for whatever collaborations 50 wants to do.

He’s practically laying down the red carpet.

This is getting harder and harder to ignore people.

It’s like Tyler Perry.

Read the how to silence your critics 101 Playbook and went straight for the most obvious tactic: lavishing them with praise and Promises of opportunity.

Is this genuine admiration for 50 cents business Acumen or a calculated attempt to neutralize a Potential Threat you decide, and fans are actually curious.

If the are seriously talking about Meda going up against Monet tahada from Power.

Okay Now, that’s just hilarious.

I can’t even imagine those two in the same room, let alone the same universe.

It’s like mixing oil and water, or maybe more like mixing holy water and well, whatever Monae uses to bless her product.

But hey, maybe that’s the point.

Maybe this whole thing is so outlandish, so ridiculous, that it’s actually genius.

It’s like a distraction tactic, a shiny object, to divert our attention from the fact that Tyler Perry is basically trying to buy 50 Cent.


Either way, you have to admit it’s working.

We’re all talking about media and Monae instead of the serious allegations that started this whole thing.

Tyler Perry is a master of misdirection.

I’ll give him that, and honestly, it feels like Perry’s trick is working.

While Tyler is out here singing 50 cents Praises, 50 himself has been noticeably less critical of Perry in recent days.

This sudden shift in tone has fans raising their eyebrows and speculating like crazy.

Some are convinced that Perry is playing chess, not Checkers.

They believe he’s found a way to Blackmail 50 Cent, holding the promise of lucrative collaboration A’s hostage unless 50 plays ball.

After all, they argue, 50 has witnessed firsthand what happened to Monique when she dared to challenge the Hollywood system.

Is he willing to risk the same fate, especially when there’s so much potential for success with someone like Tyler Perry?

Others think 50 Cent is simply playing along using Perry’s own game against him.

They see it as a strategic move, a way to gain access to Perry’s resources and influence, while secretly plotting his next move.

In this scenario, the silence is just a facade, a calculated low before the storm.

Only time will tell what’s really going on behind the scenes.

But one thing’s for sure: this is far from Over.

The game is on and both Tyler Perry and 50 Cent are playing to win.

So what do you think?

Is 50 really scared of the production?

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