Sending a Signal to the Universe: Did the ‘Alien Life’ Message Get a Response

We may have received a response to the message broadcast into space near the Chilbolton observatory in the UK after 27 years of waiting.

In 1974, a radio broadcast signal (known as the “ Arecibo ” message) was sent into outer space by a team of astronomers led by Carl Sagan. This is the most powerful broadcast signal ever sent into space, carrying basic information about humanity and Earth, in the hope of connecting with intelligent beings in the universe, if they truly exist. .

Content of “Arecibo Message” sent into space in 1974. Photo:

In 2001, after 27 years of waiting, humanity seemed to receive the answer. A pattern similar to the Arecibo message accompanied by a human face has appeared near Chilbolton Observatory.

The answer to the Arecibo message released into space, after 27 years of “silence”. Photo:

Another angle. Photo: DKN

We have analyzed the human face model, reviewing its complex and sophisticated features.

In this section, we will consider the second model, which is also a direct answer to the ancient Arecibo message that humanity sent out into space.

What information does the ancient Arecibo message contain about humanity?

Arecibo Message.

This message is constructed using a binary number system. The binary system (or base two number system) is a number system that uses two characters to represent a numeric value, usually 0 and 1. This number system is now a fundamental part of today’s computers. The number system most commonly used today in everyday life is the decimal system (base 10 number system), including 10 basic characters from 0 -> 9 to represent different numerical values.

Content “Arecibo Message”. Photo:

The Arecibo message is structured as follows ( pictured above ):

The numbers 0 and 1 on the top line represent the decimal numbers 1 to 10 (base 10 number system). In the second line are the atomic numbers of the basic elements that humans thought (in 1974) formed the basis of life – hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus. On the bottom line is the basic chemical formula of the five main molecules in DNA. Next is an illustration of a double-stranded DNA chain wrapped around a central binary backbone, providing information that humans on Earth have about 4 billion nucleotides in their DNA. Below that, a human figure [accompanied by a code on the right] shows the exact average height of the average person on Earth, as well as the Earth’s population in 1974 (left). On the next line, is a map of our entire solar system (with Earth higher than the other planets, implying this is where we live).

The final, curved symbol at the bottom of the message is the vehicle that conveys our message: a representation of the Arecibo radio telescope – the same length and diameter of the telescope.

Astronomer Carl Sagan.  These basic molecular building blocks are combined together to form a long molecule of DNA consisting of about four billion links in the chain. The molecule is a double helix. In some ways, this molecule is important to the clumsy-looking living creature at the center of this message [referring to humans]. That creature is 14 radio wavelengths long, in other words an average height of about 176.5 cm. There are about 4 billion such creatures on the third planet in our solar system [referring to Earth]. There are 9 planets in total, 4 large planets on the outside and a small planet at the end. This message is brought to you by a radio telescope 2,430 wavelengths long or 306 m in diameter [the Arecibo telescope]. Best regards'”.

What information does the response message reveal about the intelligent population out there?

Arecibo response message. Photo:

Left: Original Arecibo message, Right: Response message received near Chilbolton observatory in 2001. Photo:

The response message ( pictured below ) tells us quite a lot about the intelligent beings out there, basic information about their life, appearance, population size and where they live in the world. universe. universe. The information provided in the message is quite different from the original Arecibo message, showing the difference between humans and intelligent beings out there in many ways.

Looking at the picture above, we can see that these beings also know the decimal number system, as well as the binary number system that is used to write messages. This first line makes no difference between the original message and the response message.

However, if we look at the second line , we will notice that the atomic numbers of the elements that make up the basis of life have been changed : silicon, an element with an atomic number of 14, has been supplemented in the correct sequence – between oxygen (atomic number 8) and phosphorus (atomic number 15). This is a very interesting and impressive addition.

The reason is because… in 1969, Ben Volcani – a famous microbiologist from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography – discovered the important role of silicon in life. His work and that of his colleagues show that the presence of silicon is important for many forms of life on Earth, as well as for the structure of human cells: for example, in the adhesion of cartilage and minerals in bones. Without silicon, our bones would be as flexible as rubber, not as strong as this – unable to even stand up straight and resist the pull of Earth’s gravity at all.

Maybe this is where the feedback message comes from. It is not strange because in the line indicating the residence of alien creatures in the Solar System, Earth is also included among them.

This response message reveals the first positive traces of the existence of intelligence in outer space, showing that we are not alone and alone in this universe.