Advice for “kicking away” all barriers: Kevin Hart’s success story

Hollywood star Kevin Hart might not have been where he is today without an eye-opening advice someone gave to him after a disappointing incident.

Hollywood star Kevin Hart started his journey as a local stand-up comedian, eventually making his way into the big charts. Now, an A-lister, Hart once reflected on the setbacks and rejections he often faced on his comical journey. Despite all odds, the actor chose to eye the ultimate goal of becoming a comedian. However, the significance of great advice precedes all.

Following a heartbreaking rejection in one of his biggest shows, Hart was left discouraged and contemplating his entire profession. Yet, a simple but life-changing advice opened Hart’s eyes and pushed him to follow his passion.

Kevin Hart bounced back stronger

The two-time Grammy-nominated comedian failed to impress a notable figure in the comedy industry. A booker, with a history of working with some of the greatest comics in the industry, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, and Jerry Seinfeld attended Kevin Hart’s stand-up show, specifically put together for the former. Leading up to it, the manager namely, Lucion, was skeptical of the Jumanji star’s talent and suggested he quit comedy.

A huge blow to the 44-year-old actor’s pride and motivation, he revealed in an interview with CNBC Make It, how shattered he felt with the comment. Hart recalled,

“I performed for him, and he told me to my face that I should really think about finding another profession. He told me to my face that he didn’t feel that comedy was for me.”

Fortunately, the Ride Along star was accompanied by a friend, Keith Robinson, who pushed him to move on. After the show ended, Robinson inquired Hart about Lucion’s feedback. Hart said,

“It took a friend of mine named Keith Robinson when I walked out, he said, ‘What’d he say?’ I told him, and Keith was like, ‘F*** him. What do you care? We’ll get somewhere else to perform.’ And he shoulder-shrugged it. But he shoulder-shrugged it as if that information wasn’t heavy.”

Robinson’s casual response to what Hart perceived as important feedback, gave the latter a fresh perspective to pursuing his dream of being a comic. At present, we are sure Hart has no qualms about being funny.

Kevin Hart’s early life

As a school student, Kevin Hart realized his talent for making people laugh but didn’t pay much attention to it until his co-workers pushed him for an amateur stand-up show. Before embarking on his comedic journey, the 5’4 star was working as a shoe salesman. Despite his immense talent, Hart was often booed on stage. On one occasion, someone threw a chicken wing at him mid-performance, per Brittanica.

Moreover, the actor was also rejected on NBC’s Saturday Night Live after an audition. Years later, Hart would become a recurring face on SNL, hosting the show multiple times. Yet, the actor hasn’t lost sight of his true purpose, comedy, and prioritizes it over everything else.
