Conversations with Extraterrestrials: Where Science Meets the Extraterrestrial Race

The only alien survivor of the Roswell incident, Airo, after being rescued from the crash site, communicates with nurse MacElroy through telepathy.

The entire interview with Airo was also recorded.

The only alien survivor of the Roswell incident, Airo, after being rescued from the crash site, communicates with nurse MacElroy through telepathy. The entire interview with Airo was also recorded (Screenshot)

Airo comes from a distant and ancient civilization in outer space called “The Domain”. Airo arrived on Earth in 5,965 BC. Airo used “IS-BE” to visualize all living beings and said that all were immortal spiritual entities, including humans. The diary records a lot of content, including topics such as earth’s history, human origins, and the truth of science.

Airo told nurse MacElroy that she really shouldn’t become a sacrifice for politics, religion, and economic tricks.

As an officer of The Domain, Airo is responsible for protecting The Domain’s assets. But before unknown forces, they cannot protect themselves. Besides safety reasons, Airo cannot reveal much more about The Domain’s plans. Airo mentioned that he can help humanity with information. Within the next 24 hours, Airo will return to the space station and carry out the mission.

Airo said that if humanity wants to survive, it must have a humanity that transcends human form, be aware of its true life, and escape the notion that it is just flesh. Only then can one escape from imprisonment; otherwise humanity on earth will have no future.

After Airo finished saying these things, 5 policemen holding heavy weapons rushed into the room, attacked Airo, and forcibly took Airo away. It turned out that because it felt that The Domain was a huge military threat to the United States, the military imprisoned Airo and banned him from returning to the base.

From then on, no matter how MacElroy tried to communicate with Airo, Airo’s body did not react, as if dead. Because Airo’s body is not a living thing. The doctor also checked to see if it was still alive or not. Finally, MacElroy was asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, as long as she kept quiet about this, she would save her life. But the nurse still keeps this story close to her heart.

One evening, as MacElroy was in bed contemplating these events, suddenly the sound of Airo appeared in her head. Airo assured MacElroy that their lives will definitely meet again in some time and space, because true life is not a physical body. MacElroy immediately understood that Airo was not dead, he had left his avatar before being attacked, and had successfully returned to the space station.

The entire transcript of the interview between MacElroy and Airo is very long, the amount of information is huge. When reading MacElroy’s autograph, some people questioned that all of these contents seem reasonable, but can Airo’s words really be completely trusted?

The Domain’s search team can be divided into three groups in the air, on the ground and under the sea to conduct the search. These search activities are often seen by humans, who carry scanners on their bodies to detect signs of life. In Sumerian stone carvings, modern people see winged creatures using tools from the pineal body to scan the human body. There are also people with eagle heads and wings and wearing a number of devices. motivation. motivation. These are all The Domain’s aerial search force, often called the Winged Gods by humans.

In Persian civilization, spaceships with wings can be seen on many stone carvings. It is called Faravahar. As for the ocean search team, because they wear diving suits, humans are often called Oannes, the half-man, half-fish god. There is also The Domain’s continental search team, commonly known to humans as the Anunnaki. These contents have all overturned the knowledge we once knew. True, false, how much of what Airo said is true, how much is false, this must be pondered for ourselves.

Some people believe that today, in the age of spiritual awakening, or the age of the end of Dharma, there appear especially many types of aliens who transmit messages to people on earth, like you. Martians, Venusians, Pleiadians. The things they say have similarities and differences. What is the purpose of them saying these things? Perhaps only after this period passes will we understand.