Unprecedented Discovery: Detection of Armed ‘Aliens’ on Mars

Mars has always been the subject of human research and discovery. By exploring the unknown outside the world, we can learn more about supernatural phenomena or phenomena that current science cannot be explained yet.

NASA captured an unusual image, an “alien” armed with weapons appeared on Mars. (Photo: NASA)

There is a record in ancient Rome that there was a spaceship flashing in the sky in 218 BC, so people think this is the first record of aliens in history. According to foreign media reports, photos taken by NASA’s ” Curiosity ” spacecraft show something shocking: A fully armed “alien” was discovered on Mars. , is staring at “Curiosity” from among the rocks on the surface of Mars.

This particular image is reminiscent of a buff soldier in military gear. Many opinions say that it is most likely alien soldiers? Others think it’s just a random rock formation.

But some UFO experts point out that it is unlikely that a naturally formed rock would have such amazing human-shaped features. If you look closely, you will see that it is not a living creature but more like a painting. Stone statue of “Marsian soldiers” . Wars may have taken place on Mars in ancient times, and there even exists high-tech lethal forces beyond human understanding, this “alien warrior” is proof .

This alien was probably petrified by some kind of weapon, frozen there. However, evidence of alien life has reappeared in photos stored by NASA’s Curiosity rover.

Scott Waring, a self-proclaimed UFO expert, believes that Curiosity often photographs anomalies such as fossils, buildings and alien structures. The UFO hunter claimed to have discovered two “alien creatures ” in a rock and shared the photo on his blog.

Although the objects looked a lot like oddly shaped rocks, Welling thought they might be real, a squat figure half as tall as the man next to him. While the other person bends his knees, as if sitting, and seems to spread his legs wide, with his back to the other person. However, after careful observation, it is difficult to tell whether they are living people or statues, but some netizens believe that they could be statues that have existed for millions of years.

A fully armed “alien” appears on Mars. (Photo: NASA)

However, experts have a simpler explanation for this, which is an optical illusion. In 1976, NASA’s Viking spacecraft, while photographing Mars, took a picture of a hill in the Cydonia region that looked like a face. Experts know the face is a hallucinogenic optical illusion, and they are familiar with the effects of light and shadow reflections on Mars’ various terrains.

By 1998, higher resolution photos showed the face as nothing more than a pile of rocks. So what are the alien creatures that UFO hunters have found on the red planet? We can believe that under the test of time and science, everything will be made clear.