Mass Sighting: Over 7,000 Witnesses as UFO Glides Across Argentina’s Populated Skyline

Argentina, the 8th largest country in the world, has witnessed UFOs many times. There have even been UFOs flying over populated areas during the day, leading to mass sightings.

Thousands of people witnessed UFO flying over the town of Urquiza, Argentina. (Illustration via Vision Times)

The Argentine Republic, the 8th largest country in the world, is a country with a long history and large area. There are many mysterious UFO sightings here, here are a few UFO sightings that have happened in Argentina.

Strange object on Route 35 in an empty lot
On May 12, 1962, Valentian Tommasini, Goro Tommasini and Humberto Zenobi were three truck drivers. They drove their truck from the port city of “Puerto Blanca” in the province of Buenos Aires, across route 35 to the town of “Jacinto Arrauz” in Jucar, in the province of La Pampa. At about 4:10 pm, three people saw an empty space about 100 meters across the road, with a strange object appearing like a tram. When their truck approached, the strange object suddenly rose to a height of 4 meters and then flew across the main road.

Tommasini and his colleagues claimed that the unidentified object emitted light, and its bottom emitted a red flame. Finally, the identified object separated into 2 parts and flew away from the scene in different directions, then disappeared. 

UFO event of Ariya Seven Observatory
“Ariya Observatory No. 7” in San Miguel, Buenos Aires province, December 1, 1965, scientists there received many calls at 8:30 pm said that suspicious objects were discovered while observing the Moon. At that time, observatory staff took photos of the Moon at a fixed distance. After developing the photos, it was discovered that a number of unidentified flying saucer-shaped objects had flown past the Moon. Moon in some photos. Regarding this issue, some experts believe that the cause is a faulty film roll.

Mysterious paralyzing beam
On the evening of October 27, 1973, Dionisio Lanca, a truck driver, left his uncle’s house in Puerto Blanca, bound for Rio Gallegos. On the way, when Lanka stopped the car to change a tire, he was suddenly hit by a strong light, paralyzing his body and completely unable to move. After a few hours, Lanka regained consciousness 9km away, and he was taken to the city hospital in Port Blanca on the 30th, before the incident was revealed publicly.

Thousands of people witnessed UFO flying over the town of Urquiza
On December 26, 1988, a large-scale UFO sighting occurred in the town of Urquiza, a densely populated area of ​​Buenos Aires.

On a bright day after noon, a silver UFO flew over Urquiza. The local airport reported a flying object to the west, which on radar appeared to be heading toward the highway.

With over 7,500 witnesses, the event is the most publicized UFO sighting in Argentina.