Unraveling Secrets: Did Aliens Assist Germans in Building Alien Flying Saucers?

Many evidences show that the Nazis have achieved incomprehensible advances in weapons, ammunition and even… flying saucers in a situation of consecutive defeats at the end of World War 2. Are they aliens? helped them?

Flying saucers are said to be one of the many top secret weapons of the Nazis under the Wunderwaffen project (wonder weapon) to create overwhelming power, which can help turn the tide of the battlefield when Hitler’s army unites. continued defeat on many fronts from Stalingrad to North Africa.

Flying saucers were a key weapon of Hitler’s Wunderwaffen (wonder weapon) project.

The existence of prototypes is entirely possible when it is no coincidence that many Allied soldiers reported seeing flying saucers with swastikas during the period 1943-1945.

Many witnesses said they had seen a flying saucer with a German cross flying at low altitude over the Thames River in 1944.

In 1960 in Canada, a UFO expert recreated a model of Hitler’s flying saucer and was truly amazed when “it actually flew”.

A drawing said to depict Nazi flying saucers (Photo: alien-ufo-sightings.com)

Luigi Romersa, 84 years old, once Mussolini’s military advisor, told Discovery TV: “It was a very unusual device. It has a circular disc shape, above which there is a cabin with a glass plastic dome cover. From all directions, the nozzles used for jet engines can be clearly seen.”

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, a diary of a technician who worked at Prag-Gbell airport (Prague) in 1943 was also published by the German magazine Flugzeug with many important details.

distorted, he saw with his own eyes in the hangar a disc-shaped object with a diameter of 5 to 6 meters and a height equivalent to an adult, standing on 4 high pillars.

Nazi flying saucers? (Photo: Urban Ghosts Media)

According to British aviation historian Henry Stevens, 15 such flying devices were produced in 1943. They were researched and built for use by SS forces and were codenamed V7.

Circular shaped flying devices are equipped with jet engines, the bottom is equipped with propellers. A dome is designed in the middle of the “disc” which is the pilot’s cockpit.

The possibility that Hitler once ordered the creation of flying saucers is very high (Photo: Veterans Today)

Some theories suggest that a UFO crashed in an area controlled by the German military. They obtained the fragments and secretly brought them back to study and copy them.

Hitler immediately ordered leading experts to analyze the debris and personally recruited a series of leading physicists and some famous engineers at that time such as Ballenzo, Habermohl, Miethe and Schriever. for research purposes.

Another source says that aliens actively joined hands with Hitler to help the Nazi army defeat the Allies and establish a new world order as they desired.

The fascist tycoon may have received support from aliens (Photo: Daily Star)

The evidence is that in 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd ordered 4,000 American, British and Australian soldiers to conduct an expedition to Antarctica in a mission called Operation Highjump.

A soldier in the group named Alex Christopher was kidnapped by a UFO but was lucky to escape. This person recounted that he saw “strange creatures” and Nazis working together on the deck of spaceships.

These spacecraft are capable of resisting the Earth’s gravity or in underground bases.

Flying saucers with cross logos appear many times in Antarctica (Illustration)

Byrd and his army also encountered swastikas in many places, and encountered fierce resistance from mysterious flying saucers, forcing the army to retreat.

The truth about the Nazis researching UFOs to create a simulated weapon or being guided by aliens on how to create them will probably never be explained because the secret documents were burned before the Red troops entered Berlin.

However, with the above authentic evidence, combined with the terrible weapons used at the end of the world war such as V2 rockets, Fritz X smart bombs or Horten Ho 229 stealth aircraft, the Nazis It is completely possible to create flying saucers. And if World War II had ended more slowly, they might have appeared on the battlefield and caused a lot of damage to the Allies.