UFO researcher claims: Aliens are always watching us from somewhere on Earth

The ancient astronaut theory supports the notion that hundreds of thousands of years ago, advanced alien beings visited Earth, providing us with the necessary technology.

Helping civilization make progress through the ages, they always keep an eye on this place.

Supporters of this theory claim that this contact with aliens has greatly influenced the development of modern cultures, technology, religion as well as human biology.

3,000-year-old Egyptian ancient scripture shows UFO landing on the Sphinx (Photo: Ancient code)

In recent years, the ancient astronaut theory has come up with a lot to talk about. One of their main suggestions is Erich Von Daniken, a talented writer and researcher from Switzerland and one of the main experts on the Ancient Alien episodes that were published. broadcast on the History Channel.

Both Von Daniken and Giorgio Tsoukalos, as well as many other researchers and authors, have argued and supported the ancient astronaut theory to such a degree that it can no longer be defined as a theory. conspiracy. Instead, this is a theory worth conducting further research.

Von Daniken has stated that aliens have visited our planet many times in the past and could return and actively monitor us.

Now, during the 2018 UFO summit in Brazil, Erich von Daniken and Giorgio A. Tsoukalos spoke out about aliens while also predicting when they might return.

Aliens are always watching Earth and are most likely living together in human society 

As noted by Tsoukalos, extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth will not attempt or make official contact until humans achieve something first, they may also be plotting to take over us. Thus, Tsoukalos was referring to Earth society and how we treat each other. 

“In my opinion, we need to become friendlier to each other in this society,” Tsoukalos said. We really need to start looking at ourselves and saying, you know, we are all brothers and sisters on this planet, we really are and we need to stand together.”

His opinion is shared by Von Daniken, who believes that aliens have actively visited our planet in the past and have always dominated the development of humanity. Some of them may already be here and mixed into society.

Von Daniken declared: “Now, what can we learn from that? We must learn to be humble. We are not the only one. We are not the crown of creation, nor the pinnacle of evolution. We are just one of millions of species in space.

In fact, UFO sightings have been on the rise in recent years, with many governments around the world finally admitting that over the years they have been actively monitoring impossible sightings. interpretation in the sky.
Von Daniken also said that the increase in UFO sightings is evidence that “something on this planet is observing us, perhaps studying languages, weapons, religions and political systems ours for some purpose.” “They are watching us,” he concluded