Tesla’s Diary Suggests Regular Communication with Aliens

Scientist Nikola Tesla confirmed the existence of aliens 100 years ago.

There is evidence that Nikola Tesla – one of the greatest scientists and scientific inventors in the world, a man who created the foundation for today’s scientific technology – once had contact with other planets.

Accordingly, during testing one of his inventions, Tesla discovered strange radio waves coming from outside the earth.

Specifically, he heard communication from intelligent creatures that might have come from another planet even though he knew nothing about their language or what they were trying to talk about. But I feel that I can understand them implicitly. Tesla said. After this event, the inventor was so obsessed that he had to design more powerful radio receivers.

Renowned biographer Tim R. Swartz says there may be a connection between the future inventor and intelligent aliens, according to his autobiographical book “The Lost Papers of Nikola Tesla: HAARP – Chemtrails and Secrets of Alternative 4 ‘.

This autobiographical theory not only highlights the mystery surrounding Tesla, but much of it documents personal documents and important notes that were confiscated by the United States government.

Many people think that Nikola Tesla’s inventions could endanger the interests of human aerospace.

While testing the device, Swartz said in an interview, scientist Nikola Tesla listened to radio signals that he believed were actually sent back by extraterrestrial communications. He even claimed that he heard signals that sounded like voices of people talking to each other.

At the time, prominent scientists suggested that Mars might be a haven for intelligent life in our solar system, and Tesla at first thought that these signals might originate from the planet. red. Although Tesla’s most prominent personal records were in the hands of the US Army, Swartz claimed to have purchased some of Nikola Tesla’s personal records at an auction in 1976.

The author asserts that all this information was hidden behind the visit of the suspects in the mysterious event “Men in Black” (Tesla).

According to National Geographic, a large part of Tesla’s archives were released by the government, but most of them were later turned over to his family and many made it to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, which opened in 1950s. But some of Tesla’s key papers are still in the possession of the US government and are very carefully classified.

Nikola Tesla made innovative discoveries such as wireless radio receivers, turbine engines, helicopters, fluorescent and neon lights, torpedoes, and unique X-ray technology.

“The mysterious radio wave changes that I noticed occurred periodically, with a quantity and order of appearance that could have come from some mysterious controlling cause, because the phenomena were inherently such as electromagnetic disorders caused by the sun, ultraviolet rays, and electric fields. The ground is very familiar to me.” – Tesla said.

“The nature of my experiments ruled out the possibility that the appearance of mysterious signals and mysterious voices was due to disturbances in the atmosphere, as has been unfoundedly asserted by some such as before.

I spent some time after that, and researched carefully and thought I could intelligently control these phenomena.”

“Although it is impossible to decode the mysterious radio signals or voices, I think it was a coincidence. That feeling could be like a greeting from a friend from another unknown planet” – (Excerpt from the lost diary of Nikola Tesla).

In fact, according to Physics-Physics-Physics, Nikola Tesla concluded that the mysterious signals originated from aliens, or at least it was their attempt to contact humans on Earth. .

Not only that, Nikola Tesla has repeatedly stated that he has blocked signals from intelligent beings from some other distant world.

Tesla points out that even the simplest traditional forms such as radio waves of telephone communication may have originated from the technology of advanced extraterrestrial beings.

Although Tesla’s talent was undeniable, some questioned whether his mind was delusional. What Tesla really cared about was that throughout his life, he devoted himself to developing technology to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence.

It was extremely shocking and no one believed it until Nikola Tesla discovered a strange signal.

As far back as 1896, Tesla believed that a version of his famous wireless transmitter could be used to communicate with intelligent beings on other planets.

In the summer of 1899, while working in his laboratory in Colorado Springs, Tesla believed he had observed a series of codes in cosmic radio signals, which he interpreted as signs of living beings. intelligence originating from within our solar system.

Similar to Tesla, interestingly, in 1970, LG Lawrence (director of the Ecola Academy) revealed a communication with extraterrestrial beings:

“On October 29, 1971 … while conducting Remote Biological Sensing (RBS) experiments in Riverside County, CA, Hodowanec’s organic probe intercepted a segment of an intelligent signal originating from from the constellation Ursa Major during a short break.

This phenomenon happened for more than 33 minutes. “A similar phenomenon was observed on April 10, 1972… The signals were clear, then gradually weaker, appearing in a series of 3 to 10 minutes…

“By 1988, Hodowanec said that he had detected three pulses (S-codes) separated in time, of which, the equivalent codes E, N, A, or K, were also heard and the longest were the The SE code is recorded via a noise detector. This scientific story continues to provide more convincing evidence for Tesla.

In an interview with Mr. Telsa at the age of 75, he said: “There is nothing more important than communicating with aliens. This will definitely happen someday in the future. In that world, there are many people working, living, suffering, and struggling just like us. We are not alone in this vast universe.”