Dame Dash Reveals Reason For Absence From “Soul Plane”, Accuses Kevin Hart Of Lack Of Support

“He has done things that I didn’t raise him to do but he has a different kind of comedy.”

Dame Dash never hesitates to call out someone he deems worthy of criticism, recently revealing why he didn’t work on the 2004 film Soul Plane and name dropping Kevin Hart for not supporting his ventures.

“They had asked me to produce Soul Plane and I got offended because I don’t like white people making money off making fun of us,” he told Math Hoffa during a recent interview. Hoffa echoed his sentiment, stating “I could never feel comfortable sitting in a movie theater watching people laugh at us.”

Dash used the opportunity to call out the movie’s protagonist, Hart, reiterating the fact that he gave him opportunities before he was famous. “Anyone who interviews Kev, and he’ll say it: Dame put me in my first movie. [Ask him] why you won’t post his sh*t?” he said.

Dame continued his rant by addressing specific things Hart has done to promote his work. “I wouldn’t braid another man’s hair on a billboard,” he said, referring to Hart’s 2015 film Get Hard. “I don’t care if it’s Will Ferrell. He has done things that I didn’t raise him to do but he has a different kind of comedy.”

The entrepreneur clarified that his comments didn’t come from a place of judgment, but simply wishing that Hart would reciprocate the support.

“I’m not judging him, I’m just saying: repost my sh*t!” he exclaimed. “I was never mad at him for doing anything he’s done that I wouldn’t do, and I’m not mad at him now. But it would be nice if anyone of y’all motherf**kers I put on would post my sh*t.”

Kevin Hart gave credit where credit was due during a 2021 episode of All The Smoke. “I’m at a comedy club, Dame just happens to be sitting in the comedy club, sees me perform,” he said. “‘Yo, that dude funny as sh*t, you wanna do a movie?’ Paper Soldiers is the reason I got tapes, auditions, pilots.”

Dame Dash may have to wait longer to get the support he wants, but at least Hart isn’t shy about paying his respects.

Source: vibe.com