Emma Watson’s Saturn Return pushed star to ‘burn things down’: astrologer

Emma’s star is finally shining at full watts.

The actress, activist and unabashed Aries, wrote herself an Instagram birthday card this year and gave a tender shout out to her Saturn return for the punishing lessons it provided.

Watson’s emoji description for her Saturn return included volcanoes, parachutes, zombies, cannonballs and coffins, same sis, same.

If we make it through the gauntlet of youth, we experience our Saturn return, the astrological equivalent of a rite of passage into adulthood, around the ages of 27 to 31. Saturn is synonymous with karma, adversity and the hard won, apropos of this, the Saturn return is a sobering point of no return. If we’re blessed with the gift of a long life, Saturn comes back around in our mid fifties and again in our late eighties.

Saturn returns are not so much formative as forging, a walk through the fire that brings us closer to ourselves. Heads up, if Saturn falls in Pisces in your birth chart, buckle up babies because your return hath begun.

Watson credited her Saturn return with assisting her in stepping away from her life, burning some s–t down, entering therapy, falling off surf boards, learning to ride horses, becoming a dog mom and a one handed chef. In perhaps the perfect encapsulation of the lessons of Saturn, Watson writes, “I felt really sad and really pissed off about a lot of things. I learned more about love.”

Since Watson was generous enough to give credit to the power of the planets, we’re repaying her by looking at the stars that define her. Read on to learn more about the fire and finery of her birth chart.

Watson, who made her mark as Hermione Granger in the “Harry Potter” series, was born in Paris, France on April 15, 1990 making our girl a bonafide fire ball with her sun in Aries and moon in Sagittarius. Sources say she’s a Virgo rising which tracks given her preternatural poise and ever present side eye.

Add to this that Watson holds a BA in English Literature from Brown and if Virgo was a degree it would absolutely be a BA in English Literature from Brown; smelling strongly of dead leaves, rare books and withering judgement.

Aries is the first born sign in the zodiac wheel and as such possesses a touch of the impatient ID and the irrefutable vigor of the newly alive. The sign is ruled by Mars, named for the god of war and synonymous with action, aggression, desire and drive.

As such, Aries is the natural domain of the warrior archetype, hell bent on heroics and forging towards progress at all costs at all times. In astrology the sun represents life purpose, vision and the golden road to self-fulfillment while the moon is the emo engine that powers us towards that purpose and the rising is the armor we wear while waging the war of actualization.

As Watson told “W Magazine,” about her educational journey, “Ignoring fame was my rebellion, in a funny way. I was insistent on being normal and doing normal things. It probably wasn’t advisable to go to college in America and room with a complete stranger.

And it probably wasn’t wise to share a bathroom with eight other people in a coed dorm. Looking back, that was crazy.” Normcore as resistance? Academics as insurgency? Absolutely her big three in serious cahoots.

Rams have a reputation for rage and poor impulse control but in reality they are here to illustrate what must be changed and how best to fight the good fight. Sagittarius exists to shoot their proverbial shot, speak their truth and go further than those that came before.

Who but a fire sign shows up with half a shirt to talk climate change with Al Gore? A heady metaphor for what’s already been lost? If it weren’t for her Virgo rising rest assured it would have been full court under boob rather that a peekaboo black bra.

Another example of Watson’s placements making themselves known comes courtesy of her grammatically flawed, temporary “Times Up” tattoo at the 2018 Oscars, worn in support of victims of sexual assault. A misspelled, well intentioned tattoo = fire sign energy incarnate.

Watson’s sun/moon combo is where righteous anger meets unshakeable idealism. It will not be silenced, it will not be still, it will not go gently into the good night and it simply will not stand for injustice or abuse. In kind, Watson was appointed a UN Goodwill Ambassador in 2014 and subsequently launched the UN campaign HeForShe which promotes gender equality.

Watson’s Mars in Aquarius also lends itself to her being a crusader for these causes. Aquarius is the sign of the free thinker, the rabble rouser and the rebel yell. Aquarius energy is wild and weird, it does not play by any rules nor yield to the status quo. Aquarius exists to show us what is possible and to rattle the cage of complacency into galvanized action. Together with the fire light of her sun and moon and the refinement of her rising, our girl is destined to make noise, make waves and make her own way.

Fight on, shine on, right on, Watson. Gryffindor forever.