Mystery revealed: Is the pyramid 2 times larger than the Giza pyramid the work of a 3m tall giant

Located on Puela mountain, the mysterious pyramid opens up stories about construction techniques of giant structures that have never been published.
When it comes to pyramids, many people certainly think of Egypt – the country of legends, because there are massive pyramid structures and famous Pharaohs.

Giza? This is a familiar name, known as the largest pyramid in the world.

Giza is located in a cluster of three pyramids built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu.

Initially, this wonder had a height of up to 147m. Through time and erosion by natural factors, today Giza’s height is only 139m.

But don’t rush to conclusions when you haven’t been to Mexico to admire the great pyramid of Cholula, located on Puebla mountain, Mexico.

According to archaeological experts, the great pyramid of Cholula is 450m wide, 66m high, the size is equivalent to 9 Olympic swimming pools, 2 times larger than the Giza pyramid with a foundation 4 times wider.

The Great Pyramid of Cholula has been recorded in the Guinness World Records as the largest pyramid in the world.

Cholula “hides” under the cloak named after the grassy hill.

No one knows whether the workers who built the pyramid 2,300 years ago deliberately used clay, grass, etc. to hide this giant pyramid.

Just know that when they discovered it, everyone was surprised.

The Great Pyramid of Cholula has been recorded in the Guinness World Records as the largest pyramid in the world. It was originally a 4.45 million square meter temple.

In October 1519, the Spanish expeditionary army led by Hernan Cortez invaded the city of Cholula, plundering and killing 3,000 people in just a few hours.

They built a small church on top of a large mountain as a symbol of the invasion without knowing the existence of the pyramid below.

It wasn’t until 1910 that local people discovered the pyramid’s existence. Archaeologists also discovered more than 400 people buried in and around the pyramid.

Another group of workers digging the road also found at least 63 skeletons, including several deformed skulls of children who had been beheaded for sacrifice.

Remains of an altar in the pyramid grounds.

This leads to the hypothesis that this place was used as a place of worship for the sky and the creator Quetzalcoatl of the ancient Aztecs.

The outline around the volcano is carved into the shape of the great pyramid of Cholula. This pyramid is also known as Tlachihualtepetl, meaning “artificial hill”.

Cholula was occupied by the Olmec-Xicallancas in 600 AD.

Around 1100 AD, Cholula was annexed by the Toltec-Chichimecas. At that time, the great pyramid of Cholula seemed to be buried in endless grass and wild plants.

By the early 20th century, the Great Pyramid of Cholula was restored.

Pyramid excavation site.

Archaeologists have surveyed and excavated the pyramid.

In 1930, they built a tunnel to explore inside the pyramid. They discovered a system of passages 8km long.

These walkways take visitors to different stages of Cholula’s construction.

Researchers have yet to determine who built this huge structure.

However, according to local legends, this structure was built by the giant Quinametzin.

According to Aztec mythology, the giant Quinametzin once lived and proliferated on Earth during the Sun Rain cycle. They were over 3m tall and weighed about 270kg.

Like other legends around the world that speak of the existence of giants, the Quinametzin were also created by gods.

But one day, when they lost faith in God, their morality gradually declined, they committed millions of serious sins, their peak civilization was punished by the Gods with horrifying disasters. and go to destruction.