A case that alarmed the world: Mexican farmer discovers alien baby!

A case that alarmed the world: Mexican farmer discovers alien baby! – Alien Universe

Researchers were finally able to disclose their findings about the eerie-looking creature discovered two years prior. The perplexing tale originated from a Mexican farmer who, in May 2007, claimed to have unearthed a live “alien” baby. However, overwhelmed by fear, the farmer allegedly drowned the creature in a ditch. The question remains: is this unexplained demise the result of an authentic extraterrestrial encounter, or is it merely an elaborate hoax?

Studies have shown that despite having some joints somewhat comparable to those of humans, the creature’s skeleton is more lizard-like, and its teeth do not have roots like people’s.

The size of the Metepec Creature is comparable to a small cat or a huge rabbit. It has a huge head for its size and smooth, grayish-white skin.

With agile front legs and a long tail, the Creature appears to be quadrupedal. Given that it had two forward-facing eyes and stereoscopic vision, this creature likely had predatory tendencies.

Its head suggests a possible relationship with the well-known Gray aliens or the Swamp Thing of New Louisiana.

The farmer stated that it was necessary to keep him under water for hours.

The creature was described as being highly intelligent by scientists.

In the location where the creature was discovered, there have been numerous claims of crop circles and UFO sightings. Maybe the aliens left it behind on purpose.