The Unknown: Unraveling the Mystery of the Flatwoods Monster – An Alien Creature’s Enigmatic Encounter with Humans

Aliens are considered science fiction and not real. But to this day, the world still records strange supernatural phenomena , or inexplicable encounters with strange creatures – believed to be aliens.

Among them, we must mention the time when humans “encountered” the famous Flatwoods monster, which to this day still causes the press to waste a lot of ink when recounting the incident.

Unusual phenomena

On the evening of September 12, 1952, 6 boys (the youngest was 10 years old) and their mother in the town of Flatwoods, located in Braxton County, Virginia (USA), suddenly discovered a strange light from above. Highly shining down behind the hill.

The group curiously approached the place that continuously emitted “bright flashing lights and strange red lights”.

As they got closer, witnesses said they suddenly smelled a terrible smell, like burning metal, or maybe sulfur.

The children said they felt difficulty breathing, their eyes were burning, and their throats were tingling. Any indication that this appears to be no ordinary meteor crashed to Earth.

Strange creature

The scene became more horrifying, when Jean – one of the boys, witnessed with his own eyes a huge “ alien creature”.

“About 15 feet away (about 4.5 meters) right in front of a huge oak tree, there was a large, towering, floating figure,” the witness recounted.

“It has a human shape, but is twice the average height. On its head is something dark, and pointed at the top, like a hood.”

“The creature had a round, reddish face, no nose or mouth, but it had 2 eyes (or at least what they thought were eyes)”

In fact, the image is described as holes emitting many beams of light including green, orange…

The body of the “monster” looks quite human-like when wearing a black outfit that resembles a dress. Its arms are quite short, rough and have long fingers like claws.

According to reports, the witnesses were dumbfounded by the extremely bizarre image they witnessed.

They then began to run away in panic as the strange creature approached them.

Scientific mysteries that cannot be explained

This incident quickly became the focus of American public opinion when information about strange monsters appeared heavily in many of the country’s major newspapers.

The monster was later named after the location where it was seen – Flatwoods.

Some people believe in the realistically described story of the Flatwoods monster and fear it will cause bad things to people.

However, there are also skeptics, thinking that Flatwoods is just a joke – nothing more, nothing less. They argued that this creature did not exist because they could not find evidence to prove it was real.

In fact, people only know about them through eyewitness accounts and cannot verify the authenticity of the information. Therefore, until now, the Flatwoods creature is still a great mystery.