“Bizarre Sight: Shimmering White UFO Captured Over Queensland, Australia.”

This occurred in 2019 and it’s definitely not a “normal UFO sighting” or a traditional type of UFO.

I’ve discovered that there’s a face within the shimmering White light after I took a screenshot which is a bit strange.

So that’s why I’m thinking that it’s a really bizarre looking UFO.

It was a luck of the draw as to how the screenshot turned out because I need an image to represent the post, right for when it’s shared on social media. It’s a fast growing UFO hotspot is Australia especially in the cities. People are contacting me more and more than ever regarding a UFO sighting that they’ve filmed.

Every shape you can imagine is being filmed over Australia from Orbs (most abundant) to Flying Saucers and Cigar or tubular shaped UFOs and even pyramid shape UFO sightings. There’s a lot to this particular UFO sighting because it’s not a solid body craft, it’s not an Orb or a Flying Saucer etc.

I actually thought it looked like a moth being filmed through a fly net on a door or window? Who knows what this is? Either it’s a UFO sighting or something else entirely? The light it’s emanating from itself is a white or bluish type of colour.

The fact that the face occurred in the snapshot is purely happenstance. I don’t believe in coincidences and because I took the screenshot at that time I was trying to get the best and brightest plus the most detailed screenshot of the UFO to represent the UFO. So it’s not a coincidence in that regard.

So what’s your thoughts on this “UFO sighting guy’s” is it real, is it possible that it’s a mistaken identity of a moth or a bird in a porch light or a drone etc? Or are we looking at a bonafide real UFO sighting?

If you’ve got any thoughts or opinions on this post please share it with us in the comments section below, cheers. Also please share this post, thanks.