Unveiling Otherworldly Beings: Discovering Extraterrestrial Entities Within the Depths of Nazca Plateau Caves

Discovering alien corpses in caves on the Nazca plateau: Travel to the mysterious world of alien mummies found in an ancient underground city

During that year, a cave with an alien body was discovered and named Mary. Searching for clues about ancient civilizations on the Nazca Plateau since 1990. Plateau surveyors have found many mysterious sites during their search, claiming to have discovered footage possible indigenous forms in the Nazca figures and ancient civilizations there.

Upon revealing the secret of this cave, researchers immediately realized that it resembled a tomb. Inside the cave, two coffins were found. In one, there are objects that have not yet been discussed, and in the other two medium-sized mummies and small-sized human mummies. The largest mummy in the coffin was not completely decomposed.

Photographs show the compartment in which the supernatural figure was found. Likewise, coffins and objects were also found

Until now, scientists and researchers have not been able to explain the tombs and caves in the Nazca plateau.
Did aliens really appear from the ancient Nazca people and erase all records of the ancient Nazca highlanders?