5 Lessons from Basketball Legend Kobe Bryant: The Power of Diligent Goal-Oriented Work

Kobe Bryant is one of the most successful basketball players of all time. He has won five NBA championships, two Olympic gold medals, and amassed a net worth of more than $200 million during his career. 

I spent hours learning about Kobe Bryant and articles about his success. Today, I will share with everyone the 5 lessons that lead to success learned from Bryant.

1. Don’t just work hard, work hard with clear goals

Just like any successful sports athlete, if Kobe Bryant repeated what his teammates did, he would not be able to have the incredible success that made the whole world admire him. 

A man named Robert, who works as an athletic trainer (can be roughly understood as physical training / “sports doctor”) for the US national team, once shared about his first experience with Kobe Bryant.

Robert said that that day, his phone rang at 4:15 am. Kobe Bryant called to ask for help with his physical exercises. When he arrived at practice at 5 a.m., Robert saw that Bryant was drenched in sweat. The two did some strength training, then Bryant lifted weights for 45 minutes, and Robert returned to his room. 

If Bryant did what his team did, he wouldn’t be able to get the amazing results that the whole world admires.

When Robert returned at 11 a.m., Bryant was still practicing! Robert went up to say hello and asked Bryant what time he finished practice? Bryant replied that he had just finished it because he wanted to practice 800 jump shots. When Bryant finished his private practice session, it was also the time when the whole team began their joint practice session.

Looking at the story above, I realize that Bryant is very hard-working, it can be said that much more than others, and at the same time, his hard work has a clear goal. Bryant spent most of his practice time practicing jump shots, 800 times. 

Most of us believe that hard work equals success, but the truth is that hard work must be accompanied by clear goals to create the difference between average people and great people. In this case, Kobe Bryant understood what exercises he needed to spend time on to improve himself.

2. Meditate daily

Meditation is one of the most “powerful” aids in Bryant’s career. He once said that at first, he hated meditation and it took him a long time to get used to it. 

Through meditation, Bryant determines for himself whatever may come his way throughout the day

In an interview with Oprah, Bryant shared that he often meditates for about 10 to 15 minutes in the morning. He said that meditation helps him maintain his spirit throughout a stressful day. “If I don’t do that, I feel like I’m constantly chasing life and not in control,” Bryant said . 

3. Learn from better people

Even though he reached the pinnacle of glory, Kobe Bryant was never timid when asking for help. “I call everyone. If I want to learn something, I pick up the phone and start asking,” Bryant said. Bryant even once called the opposing team’s assistant coach to ask questions. some pointers for the match. Bryant was truly a student his entire life and never felt inferior when asking for help to improve himself.

 Bryant is a person who always believes in his abilities, but is never timid when asking for help.

4. Playing football is about winning

“There are people who say: ‘I don’t like Kobe, he’s arrogant’. Yes, when I play football, I’m very arrogant. But that’s just what I do – that’s not who I am. There is a clear difference between the two” – Kobe Bryant.

The world’s top people, whether businessmen, athletes, musicians or any profession, have all had to sacrifice something to achieve the success they want. You can’t get to the top if you care about what other people think. For Bryant, when he gets on the field, he has to win. 

On the field, Bryant was arrogant, but that was what he did and not who he was.

5. Be patient and keep moving forward

I have read many books about success. I also refer to the success secrets of many people, from businessmen and world celebrities to my bosses and friends. And one thing I have learned in common between them is: Hard work, patience, and not being satisfied with existing achievements.

 Those who desire success the most, continue to try and persevere for many years afterward

Conclusion: For me, the secret to success, over and over again, is only a few things: having goals, having patience, having ambition, having confidence, and maintaining your mind regardless of others’ judgments. others, being hard-working, constantly learning, constantly moving forward, and not needing to be satisfied with existing achievements… These things are very easy to list, but to do them all is extremely difficult, although However, it is difficult but not impossible. Hope these lessons can help everyone.