LeBron James Responds to Ricky Rubio’s Retirement Announcement

Spanish basketball star Ricky Rubio has announced his retirement from the NBA.

After 12 years and 698 games, the point guard took a buyout from the Cleveland Cavaliers and shared his reasoning on X, formerly known as Twitter on Thursday (4 January).

“I wanted to post this message for you today because my NBA career has come to an end. It all started in June 2009, draft night in New York. What a dream. After playing 12 years in the league, with all its ups and downs, I have collected lots of good memories and great relationships,” Rubio said.

Before the current NBA season, Rubio decided to take time off from the game to work on his mental health, something he mentioned in his announcement.

“July 30th was one of the toughest nights of my life. My mind went to a dark place. I knew I was going on that direction, but I’ve never thought I wasn’t under control of the situation. The next day, I decided to stop my professional career.

“One day, when the time is right, I would love to share my full experience with you all so I can help support others going through similar situations. Until then, I would like to keep it private out of respect for my family and myself, as I’m still working on my mental health. But I’m proud to say I’m doing much better every day.”

LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers conveyed his brief remarks on Ricky Rubio’s retirement after the Spanish player released a statement noting that he would not be continuing his NBA career.

“I respect Ricky,” LeBron said. “Congratulations on a hell-of-a career.”

However, James seemed unphased and unhappy, owing to the fact that they were decisively defeated by the Memphis Grizzlies with a score of 113-127 just before the interview.

The effect of the loss was all the more aggravated since it became the Lakers’ fourth in a row.

“I don’t seem sincere when you [Ricky Rubio] see this video. Because we got our ass whipped again,” LeBron stated. “I apologize. So, it was actually bad timing on the interviewer asking me this question,” the superstar aired his grievances towards the question’s timing.

“It’s not me, Ricky, so congratulations,” he concluded.