Time tunnel or alien outpost? Unraveling the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Time tunnel or alien base? How mysterious is the Bermuda Triangle?
One of the most mysterious places on earth, the Bermuda Triangle has spawned many legends. According to some legends, this is the location of the alien army stationed on Earth. Of course, these statements are completely baseless, but the problem is that until now no one knows exactly what exists on the seabed in this place.
Bermuda Triangle, located on a sea in the Atlantic Ocean, is limited by three peaks: the city of Miami in the state of Florida in the US, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda – a British territory.
Why is the Bermuda Triangle so “mysterious”?

Its origins all date back to 1840. That year, three mail ships passed through this area, and in just a few days disappeared from the world. After that, people lifted planes straight to explore this area, as a result, many planes crashed beyond repair, equipment was broken and fell into the sea.
At that time, human technology level was not high, it was difficult for scientists to solve too many secret phenomena, so stories about aliens appeared in folklore. After all, in everyone’s eyes, the science and technology of aliens must be more developed than ours. If there were aliens here, losing their technology would not be scary. course.
According to this argument, if aliens really come to Earth and want to monitor people for long periods of time, then where to set up surveillance is especially important. There is no doubt that remote areas such as Antarctica and the Arctic, or areas almost inaccessible to humans, are ideal places. Therefore, the argument is that the Bermuda Triangle could be an alien base and that the missing ships or planes are because they accidentally discovered traces of aliens.

Of course, not all the world believes in this hypothesis, after all, in hidden secret events, there exists an existence besides unexplained missing missions. On May 12, 1945, Squadron No. 19 with five Avenger bombers took off from the naval airfield in Fort Lauderdale. This was the last flight because we were never going back to where we left off. This squadron’s Avenger aircraft are under the control of 14 pilots. 13 of them are trainee pilots in the final stages of training. Before that, five new pilots were transferred from the naval airfield in Miami.
Their mission that day was to carry out bombing action at the Ga and Chicken sandbank 56 dams away. According to the plan, after completing their mission, these planes will continue to fly east about 67 miles and then fly north 73 dams. They will then turn southwest and return to the airport. In other words, they will fly in a triangular path through what is known as the Bermuda triangle. The result as we know is that all variables lost a secret and have not been found yet.

Surprisingly, it was later reported that some of the missing soldiers reappeared 40 years later with little change in appearance. According to them, they only spent 7 days. For some time, claims that there is a spacetime tunnel in this area have been hot.
Of course, there is no evidence for this type of rumor. If you read it again, you will see that this is just a fabricated story. Today ships and planes can still pass through this place unharmed, and no time travel has occurred.
So why were previous ships and planes lost here?
British Geology has long discovered that these missing missions may involve methane bubbles to be created on the seabed. They found a bubble of methane gas, composed mainly of methane, on the seabed. When there is a certain level of seismic activity on the seabed, the aerated bubble will rise with the seismic fluctuations and eventually inflate rapidly.
A large amount of bubbling air rises to the surface of the water, reducing the density of the water and losing strength. At this time, the volume of stored sea water is not enough to carry the weight of the ship and it will automatically sink. For airplanes, when methane gas hits a hot airplane engine, it will naturally explode, sinking the plane.
According to research by scientists, there are no traces of aliens here, nor are there any tunnels through space and time, what is here is just the magic of nature.