They’re making fun of the guy at school: Why Megan Fox encourages her son’s desire to wear dresses and be a princess

The beautiful Megan Fox has three sons, whose appearance often becomes the subject of discussion among fans of the actress. The eldest boy, 7-year-old Noah, often appears on walks in luxurious outfits of Disney princesses. He even wears dresses to school. Looking at his older brother, the middle son of the star couple, 6-year-old Bodi, also became interested in clothes for girls. No oddities have been noticed only with the youngest member of the family – Journey, who is only 3 years old.

Eldest son Noah has loved dresses and the color pink since early childhood.

Megan and her husband Brian Austin Green often have to answer the question: “Why do their sons wear girls’ clothes?” The actress says that her son Noah is a creative person, and this is his way of self-expression. The boy is passionate about fashion, and he has the makings of becoming a designer. At the age of 6, the guy was already inventing outfits for himself, creating his own style, and now even his mother offers unusual combinations of things.

The boy’s passion for dresses appeared when he was not yet 3 years old. At this age, children often experience difficulties with self-identification and do not know whether they are boys or girls. But this period dragged on for Meganโ€™s son.

In response to some people’s comments, Noah’s father said, “He’s 4 years old, and if he wants to wear something, he puts it on. It seems to me that at the age of 4-5 years old there is only one thing to do – have fun. By appearing in dresses, he does no harm to anyone. If he wants to look like that, thatโ€™s fine.โ€

Panarazzi spotted Megan with her network at a picnic. They broke the quarantine a little. April, 2020. Son Noah in pink leggings

Megan adheres to progressive views on raising children: she does not forbid them anything, and believes that it is their right to dress the way they like. According to the actress, she grew up in a Pentecostal community belonging to the Church of the Ophiuchus. It was a rather aggressive environment in which many restrictions reigned: women were only allowed to wear trousers, and dresses, makeup, and jewelry were prohibited.

Even the ridicule of his classmates did not force Noah to give up his favorite clothes

As soon as the opportunity arose, Megan left the community, and now the actress does not impose any rules on the children. In her house, everyone has the opportunity to live in such a way that they feel comfortable.

The actress allows the children to choose their own outfits

The actress sent her eldest son to a school that has liberal views. But even there, Noahโ€™s peers make fun of him when he comes to class in a dress. They tease him and say that a boy shouldnโ€™t wear girlโ€™s clothes and the color pink.

On the popular show The Talk, Fox said: โ€œHe came home from school a couple of days ago, and I said, โ€˜So how was it? Did any of your friends say anything?โ€ And he replied: โ€œWell, all the boys laughed when I came in, but I donโ€™t care, I love dresses too much.โ€

Megan Fox believes Noah has the makings of a designer
Megan believes that in this way Noah learns to defend his opinion, not pay attention to criticism, and be self-confident. The support and love of parents gives the boy a feeling of security and helps him move forward.

In February 2020, Noah went to a children’s party dressed as Princess Elsa from Frozen. For greater similarity, the parents even allowed the boy to lighten his hair. Panarazzi captured the moment how the father helps his son put on a dress and adjusts his hair.

Before Nana’s party, Brian helped his son put on a dress, February 2020.
Even before marriage, Megan declared her bisexuality. Perhaps this is why she is so calm about the fact that her sons prefer women’s clothing.

Noah looks like a real princess Elsa, February 2020
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