Unusual Cloud Takes on UFO Shape as It Moves Across Moscow Skyline.

In this footage, the circular cloud can be seen over a tower block.

It looks very similar to alien flying saucer rising higher in the sky.

The strange object continues to move over the tower block, leaving the cameraman in stunned silence.

This was captured in the Russian capital, Moscow.

The footage sparked a lively debate after it proved popular with viewers when it was posted on video sharing platforms.

Oh wow, I also spotted some weird looking clouds in the city center that day, but I thought I imagined it said a man called dialer.

I wonder what will happen next.

He also added: I’ve been seeing things like that on the skyline for a while now, but previously they seemed a little less distinct.

So does that actually mean that aliens do exist?

Some observers speculated that it might have been a lenticular cloud, which are stationary lens shaped clouds and have often been mistaken for Ufo sightings.

But Ufo hunter Scott Waring of Ufo sightings daily disagreed, saying the Ufo was noticed when the Sun lit it up and caused a disk reflection above it on the clouds.

Only a metal reflective surface could do this and, as you see, the dark area of the cloud is the actual Ufo.