Behind Suicide: The Haunting Story of a Father and Michael Jordan

In 1993 Michael Jordan was dominating the basketball world, he had won 3 consecutive NBA championships and an Olympic Gold medal in Barcelona. At the peak of his fame, MJ received the biggest shock of his life when his father was brutally murdered.

In the summer of that year, James Jordan was ordered by the police to search for him after several weeks of disappearance. In mid-August, his red Lexus SC400 was discovered with broken windows in Fayetteville, the body of James Jordan. was found on a stream nearly 100km away with a gunshot wound in the chest.

Deremy (left) and Green were arrested shortly after the death of James Jordan

The police immediately found two murderers, Larry Martin Demery and Daniel Andre Green. The city government said they found the killer because they used the phone in James Jordan’s car. They are also wanted. for participating in robberies near that time. When arrested, Jeremy was only 17 years old and Green had just turned 18.

Investigators said James Jordan was killed in the early afternoon of July 23, 1993 as he took a nap along a North Carolina highway. However, some newspapers in the US began to spread conspiracy theories about James Jordan’s death related to his son’s gambling activities.

These baseless arguments were described by Michael Jordan as “rub salt into the pain I am suffering every hour”, which is a huge part of the reason why 2 months later MJ announced his retirement at the age of 30.

Michael Jordan gave up basketball to play baseball because of his father

“I realized how short life is, how quickly things can end, how easily. And I thought I had to put the game aside, I wanted to take my time.” more for my family, I was selfish in focusing all on my basketball career.” Michael Jordan announced in the press conference announcing his retirement, it immediately created the biggest earthquake in sports history, even more surprising when MJ switched to playing baseball to satisfy his father’s expectations. me.

Mr. James Jordan is a baseball fan, so he always wanted his son to become an athlete in this special sport. After MJ won the NBA championship for the first time, James advised his son to give up basketball when he was at the top of glory. Of course, Michael Jordan did not agree until his father’s death made that wish come true.

MJ played for the Birmingham baseball team for 1 season before realizing he was not suitable for this sport. After overcoming the pain of losing his father, Jordan returned to the NBA at the end of the 94-95 season to continue to create achievements. impression.

After nearly three decades in prison, Daniel Green still continues to complain

As for the murderer Green, he will be released on October 14, 2021, but during his 28 years in prison, this guy continuously complained. Green confirmed that he and Demery attended a party, then Deremy called with a trembling voice saying that he had just shot and killed a man. Green said he was not at the scene and knew nothing about the shooting until police arrested him.

However, Deremy’s testimony was completely different. He confirmed that it was Green who walked closer to the car and opened fire while James Jordan was taking a nap in the car. Deremy is currently 44 years old. He applied for amnesty in August 2013 and October 2016 but were both rejected by the court. After nearly 3 decades in prison, Deremy will likely be released in the next few months.